ruth simmons? the president of brown university? >> she's on the board of goldman sachs. laura tyson makes $350,000 a year in cash plus some stock as a member of the board of morgan stanley, and one will look in vain for statements by laura tyson about how investment banking behaved unethically during the crisis. >> reporter: tyson-- a berkeley professor who chaired president clinton's council of economic advisors-- and simmons both declined to talk to us as well. but in fact, the economics profession has responded to "inside job." at its annual convention in january, its official body decided to work on a code of ethics that might well include full disclosure. the film has had a demonstrable impact. so, does ferguson think everything is okay? >> no, everything is not okay. it is still possible to publish things and even more importantly, unfortunately, it is still possible to do things like testify in congress without stating you know, "i'm being paid to testify in congress." this issue is now pervasive in american academia and in my view it's a grave threat to the independence of academic research in the university system. >> reporter: charles ferguson, thank you very m