and she went down to the western union office and she wrote ruth nichols a telegram. nd it's not really what's she says in the telegram but how she says it. for starters, amelia doesn't refer to ruth by her name. she calls her by her nickname, she calls her rufus. she says, dear rufus, we can't bear to have you on the sidelines for long. get well soon. a easy. and it clearly meant a lot to ruth nichols. because she saved it her entire life. until i found the telegram. in a windowless cinder block storage room filled with old dusty air race trophy at a regional airport in cleveland, ohio. where that letter in all of ruth nichols papers had been sitting unnoticed for decades. so they overcome much. they are good friends. and they really will change the world. some of you have probably heard of the women's air service pilots. the wasps. those 1000 women who flew airplanes during world war ii for the military. not in combat but from factory to bases. the wasps from time to time are in the news these days. because the last of them sadly are dying off. were it not for these