. >> man: our keynote speaker is going to be ruth simmons. she's the first person of color to be the president of a major university in the united states when she was the president of smith college. and then from there, she went on to be the president of brown university. so she'll be the speaker. while at brown, ruth highlighted founded brown university were major slave holders and major merchants who owned the slaveships travelling from africa to the south. so brown understood what it had done, what its legacy was all about and she had them to give money and to do statues and things like that and to support the fact that we understand what our forefathers did, we apologize for that and we're making aems for that right now. breakfast? >> man: the head table will have the governor. mayor walsh, the state senator. >> as a member of the hosting committee, what do you try to at the theme for martin luther king breakfast? we're getting close to 50ears of his assassination and a lot of folks can actually remember the day. but there are so many you