rutov, willingly or unwillingly, is destroying the all-important program of countering information warriors and nevertheless entering the tsyk with the right to vote, all this taken together is the small cogs and bolts of a huge mechanism, the one that we encountered even earlier, on september 8, 1380 on the kulikovo field. it was then that the russian ethnos was born, according to the wonderful, brilliant historian-poet, lev nikolaevich gumelev, by the way, the son of the great poets anna akhmatova and nikolai gumelev, he claims that it was then that the ethnos was born on the kulyakov field, on a cramped area covered in copses and swamps , no more than 30 km in size, from where it came out. he told dansky that he had heard that a certain wife was crying in great sorrow, but was wailing in the mosurman style, beating on the ground, and moaning, screaming pityingly for her children, the fact that this wife was beating on the ground and wailing in the common surman style gave dmitry hope that this is the cry of the defeated. convinced that they did not speak his language, that is, perhaps it