ruutu sebastian travels all over the world that is own expense he has no sponsor and no commission here he's getting to know the song in slovenia he's scouting for the perfect shot his goal is to capture kind of permanence in the ever changing. whenever rivers appeared in pictures beginning ways back with the vision she has a symbolic power it's a time for transients for change for the eternal flow of things. some short she's inspired by claude morning owning the water lilies are absent at lake by car in rush hour minus 40 degrees. whispers in his ear smoove ice is paradise for those who dance with expertise. for the only philosopher's water was one of the for primal elements tireless of malaysia recognised in it the primary substance of being a revolutionary idea he was the 1st to seek a basic principle of all things beyond the world of gods water is the origin of life and its basic condition. water was the blood of the mountain the driving force of nature. a stroke of luck among cosmic coincidences. that when you work in the water when you are right there at the water and using the te