team leader ruweti goes to check on the group. since there isn't enough food on the island to support the animals, the team provides a bare minimum of food once a day. the four have now been living on the island for over a year. nofi is around 10 years old. untan is about the same age. 7-year-old lechi is already starting to become suspicious of humans and won't approach. 9-year-old uneo was brought to the c.o.p. four years ago. he had been living in a tiny cage in a bathroom. he was fed vegetables and rice. of the four orangutans, it took him the longest to get used to life at the c.o.p. >> the four orangngutans will b released back into o the forestn one month's time. >> this isis france 24. i am genie godula. franceers gathering as gears up for its labor day protest. the risk of chaos and violence hi this year. wikileaks founder julian assange sentence to 50 weeks in jail for r breaking bail.