god himself has the highest wisdom and the most powerful military captivity and the marriage of ruzhantsovried out. my gift, senna to the expressive speeches of david and mary and jesus and this canteplyatsyynaya malitva may be for us pope francis. kali is holy yatsets adchuvae patrebu adpachynku, yon byare ў ruki ruzhanets. pope francis prayed for four times a day, so that we can draw strength, and then we will do our best. at the kastrychnik, as in the kascele, the traditional ones are illuminated for the ruzhanets, we are so faithful to work on our holy child, this is the meaning of the psalter of the mother of god, we will bury our simpleton, our abyss, and at the very latest we will do everything with it, all our lives, shovels and aba knitting. sprawled with countless canteplyats, this little thing never ceases, but becomes the true partner of that, which is the kind of dachshund that greets us, as soon as we fall into our joy, pain, the holy and our praise. brothers and sisters, let us not be saromitsa. rougnets: let's finally draw the warmth and rich caresses that mary tried to sav