more than 2 270,000 people have fled to neighboring countries, , particularly tanzania, drc, and rwandada. andd that flow hasn't ended because the internalal conflict in burundi continues to be the cause of internal and especially exteternal displacement. all t s to sasay that africa is and remains the theater of some of the largest refugee situations in the world. unfortunately, uhuh, it has not receivedd enouh attention. fufunding of our operations i in africa continues to be very lowow. it is importat that the same attention that this puts in trying to address politically other crises is exercised also in africa. because in the end, like everywhere else, you need to make peace to find a way forward for these millions of refugees in this place. karen: i'm not sure how many years it will take to eliminate conflict. that will be a long time. i'm hopeful that we'll make some difference. it may not be a huge difference right away. we won't see a lot of difference coming quickly, but we can at t least set the grounds forr people ththinking about refugees and migrants in a different way, acce