academy represent our future, our future protection, and our defense, your portfolio needs the protection and some defense too and that's what those stocks are for let's take some questions. yes, sir >> hey, jim, ryank here from birmingham, alabama. i have a question about your 5g conversation we hear about broadband from space. do you think there's any smaller players worth watching out for as we get the next billion people online. >> 5g reconfigured itself in the last two years so i have to tell you marvel tech even after a 6% run is the one to buy i like sky works they will be good. >> jim, brandon from oregon. >> my daughter lives there >> what's the best profile mix for people within the age range of 19 to 25? >> i want you to be as aggressive as possible buy a biotech, machine learning company, buy a company the that's doing let's say something really fancy with the data center because there's a lot of those doing good data center stuff. you might want to do, i'll just mention one, beyond meat i know that sounds jim it's over valued but one of these companies like pinterest nice mix square is very good. what i don't want you to do is buy kellogg or campbell soup i don't want you to buy genera