>> they're on bail at the moment, except for ryan cleary, who broke his bail conditions. and again, you pay contempt of court i'm not allowed to discuss that in the u.k. but jake davis and ryan akro akroid are wearing electronic tags, which means they have a curfew, they're not allowed to be outside the house after 10:00 p.m. or before 7:00 a.m. arrested and is waiting to be sentenced. i heard he would be sentenced before the end of the year. but i am not clear on that. >> parmy olson, does anonymous in any way still exist. does lulzsec still exist? >> the worst of attempts to revive lulzsec although the main guys organizing it are definitely not on the internet any more. a few other guys from the anonymous community tried to start something called lulzsec reborn but nothing to offer in the same way. we have not seen another hacker group come to prominence with the same kind of attention are be as destructive as lulzsec was. there have been other splendor groups from anonymous with names like cabin crew and they have done some damage and gotten press attention but nowhere