and ryan godwin owns a care home in rossendale in lancashire with his wife.ou, let me begin with you, sarah chilton, what are your rights to sick pay if you are ill? you may be entitled to sick pay if you are unwell and cannot attend work. people most of the time identify that as if you are actual sick. it could be that you are entitled to contractual sick pay, where your employer will usually pay your normal pay during the period your normal pay during the period you are absent because of ill—health and some sort of illness. but it may also mean that you are entitled to statutory sick pay. statutory sick pay is a bit more complicated, it is not your normal rate of pay, it is capped at £91; a week, irrespective of how much you earn. you only qualify for it if you earn over £118 per week, and it only kicks in after three days, so you start to get it on day four. how do you actually get the statutory sick pay, does your employer pay it to you or do you have to go to...? employer pay it to you or do you have to go to. . . ? your employer should pay it directly.