the uk has much more incentive to inflate in the classic ryan hart way than we do. ultimately we need to look at the liabilities and the revenues that we're willing to raise to back those. clearly there's an imbalance. we have a huge advantage potentially relative to other countries, countries in the book, which is we are the reserve currency and can borrow unsurpassed by anything any country has ever had, and welin. we're in the process of wasting that credit line. weert not investing in public assets and upgrades the system and we're just spending that, borrowing to finance consumption in excess of our income. that will absolutely end badly. so the pickle we are in is a large one and maybe bigger than what other countries have had. we have an opportunity to fix it. an opportunity that the europeans don't have right now. the europes are in a different place from us and a much, much tougher place. we should take that as a cautionary tale and use that to fix our own budget today. i think we're all on the same page with regard to your general points, senator. >> you t