her office sent a fund-raising e-mail that claimed -- ryan haygood, your response? >> i don't think he could be more disingenuous. i think it is well known by all in the civil rights community worksome of debo plus most was in the civil rights context. he would have been one of the chief champions to make sure voters of color in particular are not men more vulnerable by the decision of the supreme court and worked with congress to get more legislation passed. her vote against him is actually a vote against doing that thing is she promises to do here in this e-mail to her funders. here is what stake the fraternal order of police and its allies feared. here you had the possibility of debo adegbile, someone who's familiar with the case of mumia abu-jamal and who is interested in issues of social justice in the department of justice. what the fraternal order of police feared was that perhaps with debo in office, the department of justice my take on this case of investigating the police. one of the least known facts in this case is that a third of the police officers inv