i'm ryan mcadam. i'm a condominium owner at 2027 market, which is one of the residences that is situated above the restaurant space. i purchased the property there in 2004, and i remember in 2006 when mr. steve webber came before the commission making very, very similar promises. and i can tell you that in fall of 2008, my life at home was nothing short of a living hell. i mean, there was base, constant base thursday, friday, saturday night every single week and i'm just trying to live my life like any other resident in san francisco. and there was nothing i could do to stop this. the police couldn't do anything. it went on and on. until finally the restaurant closed. and if this is going to be granted again, i would ask that the commission consider conditions be placed on this. conditions should be placed on the permit that prevent loud music going until the night, 1:00 a.m. i'm just asking for something reasonable here, a reasonable compromise. because i don't want to be in a situation that i was in