bubanas' older brother ryan mcnee has mixed feelings about the day. >> nick gets out today sad to see go but i want to see him on the street than here. don't like to see the kid in jail. >> try to call you tonight, all right? >> good luck. >> you good? >> right. >> stay safe. >> i'm worried about him because he's living the same kind of lifestyle i live now. he runs around the same way i do. and i don't know what his situation's going to be when leaves, i don't know if he's got a place to go. if he don't have a place go he's going to do what he knows how to do and will end up using and probably end up back here before i leave. you never know what -- going out there to relapse in a few days and be back here within a few months? it's the unknown. you know what i mean? the probability of me going and returning to society doing the same thing i've always done is high, you know what i mean? the chips are definitely stacked against me. i want to change. i want to do something different. sometimes it's just tough. you know? >> a few hours later bubanas would have his chance for a fresh start