now the outcry over these searches has grown louder by the day as ryan singel over at wired threat level points out a search of someone's home computer house etc would be totally unconstitutional without a warrant if the person was arrested for some minor crime like protesting without a permit and just because much of our personal information is now stored on a portable device does that mean our right to be secure or should be thrown out the window and more privacy groups such as the electronic frontier foundation are outraged over this trend the california state supreme court is ok with it and five to two ruling the state's highest court allowed police to search through and arrestees mobile device now according to the decision an individual loses their privacy rights for any items that they are carrying on them when they're being taken into custody that include smartphones or tablets or any of those devices but the california legislature. there is actually fighting back now they have passed a bill it's s d nine fourteen and this is a bill that would require police to get a warrant befor