eavffilecfute to have headfueuro@zone, noanc p still think the eurozonenoc rec2 >> reporter: ryan thinav bviloffu choppviletowth that's going to tranl @see sonomec ore whether its a spilfueurozo@ne oe eurozone spillover again nexbvi. bvrtil,"fu new y@ork.noc rec 2@s @e's c.e fund.bvilfu@n bvtoildao rec anc us.@noc >> susie: wel? europe an you've beend about thh futhat@ theynoc rec comprehensiveortnounc atreelc k @nou enoughcvilfues thatcvilfu saidilfu@no tc hererec 's2 now n union, andular within thecvilfu otcvil fubritai@n.noc re tells i and we havec 2 fully s missing out of comprehe2 c 2st you have tonoc re debt containment w and nothing has been promote eccvilfu deal shcvorilt2 that's meaningful@noc rec 2u nea ilfuon of what the eur in twodv anddvilfuhave a divisionovereig2 noc rec 2 woif the all in wefrom onedvolatile situn theydv sileefum@ tonoc re noere weren't@ c 2comprehens out of europe thatc dorewnc gr2e of 15untries. do you, c 2does itniteddvilfu@ snotac e noc rec 2ng in fac to do so. ilrondvil which we inver of thev @ratingnos c threanc t2agencied who is thedvilfuy enough to usdvilfu noanc