kqed's reporter sat down with hamilton ensemble member ryan vazquez. >> thanks for being here with us>> thanks for havingly. >> tell me the role you play. who do you play? what role does he play in the story? >> i'm james reynolds. he comes in in the second act as to sort of the linchpin to lament ton's demise, sort of. he actually puts his wife on loan to hamilton for some extra money and that ends up getting out in this huge thing called the reynolds pamphlet which sort of begins the spiral of hamilton's political career sort of. >> you are also an understudy for three major roles including alexander hamilton. have you gotten to go on same as hamilton and other characters? >> yes, actually the day of my 25th birthday was my put in for alexander. and it ended up being the next day that i went on as hamilton for the first time. it was an exciting way to begin the year. i have been on as aaron burr. and tonight will be my first performance as george washington. i'll have everything knocked out after tonight. which will be a relief. >> how do you keep it all straight in your head. >> it