ryazan by batu, which itself, in turn, goes into the cycle of e, works, and fr. nikola, for the story dedicated to the transfer of the icon of st. nicholas to the russian land one of the components. this story of this story of this cycle, just a story e, at the ruin and the back story is the only ancient source that develops the ryazan bi and they fought for 5 days without retreating, the batu army changed, and the townspeople fought incessantly and many townspeople were killed, and others were wounded, and others from great works. iran couldn’t come from here, there evpatia appears as an episode, kolovrat and the nobleman of ryazan and now, judging by the text of the story, at the time of the attack, the bots, it turns out, not in ryazan but in chernigov well , then the storyline of the story begins, how he arrives in the devastated ryazan and tries to take revenge from the survivors kolovrat collects a detachment and rushes after the horde. the forces are not equal to the batu horde, according to various estimates, from 30 to 100,000 warriors to the squad, the kolovrats cannot be defeated in any way in january 1238. evpatiya dies tells us the story. the l