ryfat, i congratulate you. today we are talking about how crimea has been living under occupation for almost 10 years, and you recently. talked about the fact that the extremely important, extremely important task of the representation of the mejlis of the crimean tatar people is precisely the foreign policy vector, as far as you currently manage to convey to the international community everything that is happening directly in crimea, well, we use all possible forms, well, first of all, it is clear that we try to participate together. with the state in events, in various developments, let's say, the crimean platform, we work on all the tools of the crimean platform, and in expert circles, and at parliamentary summits, at summits of heads of state, let's say, recently in prague there were speeches by members of the midjlis at the parliamentary . summit of the crimean platform, we also use the form of our communications with politicians of various states, in that including relying on the crimean-tatar-ukrainian d