various memorandum of understanding or m.o.u.s between the city and the following union locals for ryinterms. items 13 and 14 are the m.o.u.s between the city and the firefighters union. both local 798 and unit one and unit two to be effective july 1, 2018 through june 30, 2021. item five, ordinance to adopt a decision and award of the arbitration board establishing the m.o.u. between the city and san francisco police officers association effective july 1, 2018 through june 30, 2021. item 16 and 17, the m.o.u.s between the city and municipal capex tiffs association, fire and police, effective both for july 1, 2018 through june 30, 2021. item 18, compensation for employees of the city, subject to provisions of charter section a8.409 in job codes not represented by an employee organization and establishing working schedules and other terms and conditions of employment and methods of payment effective july 1, 2018. for items 19 and 20, an ordinance to adopt and implement number two to the 2015 through 2018m.o.u. between the city and union of american physicians and dentists. unit 17 and 18 to u