rylan is by far the youngest one here. it could also be that he walks away more coffee than anyone else here, too. the coffee is being sold at one of the newest eateries in town. rylan's restaurant has been open for business since the beginning of the school year. not long after the goldmans moved into the neighborhood right down the street where rylan's new school. >> lots of people walked by my house. so i wanted to sell breakfast to them. >> three tablespoons. >> rylan's restaurant is not your average lemonaid stand. he bakes the muffin, thes by coty and the brown knee himself. he sets up shop just before the morning parade begins of parents and children on their way to the school. >> the morning rush may only last for 15 minute, but have no doubt, there is a morning rush. rylan is the one who takes the orders and handles the money. on this morning, rylan takes into over $100. not all of it for him. he is a second grade kerr not only a head for business, but a heart of gold. it was rylan's idea that half of all the mone