>> lillian liao: at least half. >> pelley: this is ryland's e.r. x-ray. >> liao: you see the two bullet fragments that are in him. >> pelley: the x-ray shows you the solid fragments of the shrapnel and the bullets, but it doesn't tell you much about the damage to the soft tissue. >> liao: no, and it doesn't tell you what's on the inside. i mean, a bomb went off on the inside, and our job is to go in there and clean it up. >> pelley: a bomb went off on the inside because of the shockwave from these high- velocity rounds. >> liao: correct. >> pelley: ryland endured 24 surgeries to repair his arm, leg, pelvis, intestines, kidney, bladder and hip. >> liao: at some point, it's like putting humpty dumpty back together again. >> pelley: what do you mean? >> liao: well, his organs are now in different pieces, and you have to reconstruct them. the arm was missing soft tissue, skin, muscle, and part of the nerves were damaged. the bowel has to be put back together. some of the areas of injury has to heal itself, so you can see that he can walk around like a