expected in kiev 23 cloudy without rainfall in vilnius +20 cloudy in the other half of the day rain in ryza20 days cloudy rain near taline +18 smelly. on the first day of rain near st. petersburg it was 18 degrees above zero, cloudy, rainy, near maskve -19, cloudy, on the other day it was rainy. panyadzelak has 12 living quarters on the territory our country will be marked by a region of high atmospheric pressure, predicting the fall of the month of navalny. sunset, sundown and sunset hours. find out how to use a thermometer. pakazhuts ad +10° and +15°, udzen ad +18 on the night time and +26° on the day time. the wind temperature in the cloud centers near grodno is -13 +21, clear, without frost. bresce has 13, 23° egrets. it’s cloudy, the apatki is not predictable. at gomel +13, 22, clear, without apatka, at magileve 12:21° with plus signs, cloudy, apatki not tea, at vitsebsk +12 +19, cloudy, at another cloud daylight, near the capital of our country +11 +21, cloudy, rain predicted in the day. the hellish prahodzitsa of the day is simple. attacks on the rainfall, rainfall and rainfall condi