s. cole, did you release suhari to saudia arabia . >> i did with the former administration, released by the bush administration. there was not significant proof to bring a case to him. and he was transferred, not released, transferred to saudia arabia where he will be subject to judicial review and the education program they have. >> was that based on a question of evidence? that could not be utilized? i understand there were military intelligence showed that he was responsible for the shooting death of william jefferson when a diplomat to bosnia. was there evidence that you felt was inadmisable. >> no, there was not sufficient evidence to tie him to the crimes. not that but submission. >> and mohammed received from jose badias accomplice in the attacks after 9/11. and there was a plot to blowup buildings and with a bomb? did you approve his release? >> i take responsibility. >> were you aware of the serious allegations? >> in the determination we made, we made the conclusion of charges and a