Feb 10, 2016
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pthat seeming warm spot with a plot of areas near 30, and peven in the north country, s. pyou can see where the trend is peventually after this pupper-level system kind of pswings through. pit will open the door to the pcolder air coming out of canada. pit looks like it has wind peventually going along with it. phere is what we are looking at pas we stop this for you at 5:00 pthis afternoon -- pockets of psnow showers coming through. pwe cannot rule out one or two pwith a heavier boast of snow -- plower visibility. pit eventually pulls away later pthis evening, partial clearing pfew lingering flurries are up pa couple of snow showers pand sunshine. pa brighter day on friday, but we pwill continue to fall back. pmentioned likely rise after a pwinds will pick up on saturday, pand it looks like the coldest of pthe air will be around through psunday. pwe start to moderate monday, and pi think from there it will open pthe door to the next system that ptries to arrive by the time we pget to tuesday. peach of the next five days, ptemperatures slipping backward. pbe below 0 saturday n
pthat seeming warm spot with a plot of areas near 30, and peven in the north country, s. pyou can see where the trend is peventually after this pupper-level system kind of pswings through. pit will open the door to the pcolder air coming out of canada. pit looks like it has wind peventually going along with it. phere is what we are looking at pas we stop this for you at 5:00 pthis afternoon -- pockets of psnow showers coming through. pwe cannot rule out one or two pwith a heavier boast of snow...
Feb 8, 2016
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pthat will be what we see out of ptemperatures in the upper teens s. pyou notice that temperatures phave fallen a bit where it has pstarted to snow and that means pwe will have a light, fluffy psnow falling out of this. pdew points are coming back from pbeing below zero. patmosphere at this point. pwith the light, fluffy nature of pthat snow, you have the wind to pgus already 35 must our across phigher terrain. pstopping this at 5:00, 6:00 this pevening, a lot of this will have pa tendency to stick, but the pcolder temperatures out there, pit will wind down overnight ptonight, a few passing snow pshowers, but your primary day pshould be all right. pthat is really about it as far pas this system is concerned. plight coating of a few inches by pthe time we get to the evening pcommute. pfor the southern third of the pstate, lesser amounts. pfarther north, general pfive-three inches of regulation. pfluffy nature of this snow will pbe blowing and drifting around pfrom there and then we will pcontinue to see temperatures pwork that way backward. pas a matter of f
pthat will be what we see out of ptemperatures in the upper teens s. pyou notice that temperatures phave fallen a bit where it has pstarted to snow and that means pwe will have a light, fluffy psnow falling out of this. pdew points are coming back from pbeing below zero. patmosphere at this point. pwith the light, fluffy nature of pthat snow, you have the wind to pgus already 35 must our across phigher terrain. pstopping this at 5:00, 6:00 this pevening, a lot of this will have pa tendency to...
Feb 25, 2016
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psome of the higher elevations pgoing through marlborough and pwestmoreland are in the 50' s. pyou get into the upper valley pand the lakes region and you are pin the 30' s to near 40. pwarm air is at 1000 feet. pit will be a 10 to 12 degree pjump in one hour when the breeze icks up. pit should do that through the pday with everyone' s leveling off pin the 50' s to near 60. pswitching over to scattered snow pshowers later tonight, pespecially to the north with pskies clearing in southern areas p. pa big change temperature-wise pwith temperatures in the middle p20' s to middle 30' s after colder pstart with single digits above pand below zero. pa little warmer on sunday. pthat is ahead of the next system pthat will be mild enough by the ptime we get there there could be prain showers by early tuesday. pstarting in the 30' s and 40' s, plook for a quick jump this pmorning. pthe deeper the valley the longer pthat will take. lymouth and bristol, they will phang on to the coldest air the plongest before the wind gets pgoing. pinto the evening it will fade pearly morning snow showers in
psome of the higher elevations pgoing through marlborough and pwestmoreland are in the 50' s. pyou get into the upper valley pand the lakes region and you are pin the 30' s to near 40. pwarm air is at 1000 feet. pit will be a 10 to 12 degree pjump in one hour when the breeze icks up. pit should do that through the pday with everyone' s leveling off pin the 50' s to near 60. pswitching over to scattered snow pshowers later tonight, pespecially to the north with pskies clearing in southern areas...
Feb 9, 2016
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s snow. pgreat picture. pyou can submit your pictures and pvideo, and join the thousands of p p p>> now, meteorologist kevin' s pgroup or with your storm watch 9 pforecast. pkevin: a lot of areas seeing 46 pinches of accumulation. pas you had farther north, pcatches catch can as far as psnowfall is concerned. pstill a little light snow pfalling in the central parts of pthe state and shifting to the pnorthern parts of the state. preducing visibility in spots but pwe don' t have as much wind to pcontend with. pthe areas that are seeing a few pbreaks in the overcast, it feels pgood out there as we have the plarge upper level system still pback to our west. pwhile we are not looking at porganized systems, still we are pgoing to be on the edge of these pareas of snow showers from time pto time, occasional flurries, pand along with at the occasional povercast but a few breaks of psunshine as well. pa the only organized chance of psnow is late tomorrow afternoon pand evening. pwe have seen snow out of the plakes region
s snow. pgreat picture. pyou can submit your pictures and pvideo, and join the thousands of p p p>> now, meteorologist kevin' s pgroup or with your storm watch 9 pforecast. pkevin: a lot of areas seeing 46 pinches of accumulation. pas you had farther north, pcatches catch can as far as psnowfall is concerned. pstill a little light snow pfalling in the central parts of pthe state and shifting to the pnorthern parts of the state. preducing visibility in spots but pwe don' t have as much...
Feb 24, 2016
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pamy: plus in today' s cook' s pcorner, we' re making gluten-free ptiramisu cupcakes. pyou don' t want to miss this pamy: welcome back. pdevelopments now in the search pa wreckage site has been found pin the mountains. pinvestigators say all 23 people pon board were killed. pthe flight was supposed to be pjust 18 minutes long, but pcontact was lost after takeoff. pauthorities say it appears the lane flew directly into a pmountain. pto commitment 2016 now. prepublican candidates are plooking to super tuesday pfollowing donald trump' s big win pin nevada. pmeanwhile, democrats are pthey get closer to the south pabc' pthe campaign trail. pmargin, donald trump celebrates phours before the runners-up in pnevada were even declared. pmr. trump: i grab and grab, and pi get greedy. pnow we' re going to get greedy pfor the united states and grab pand grab and grab. pbazi: for the second time in a prow, marco rubio just barely lace. psen. rubio: we feel good about pour showing. pnumber of delegates. pbazi: senator rubio is racking pup the most endorsements from pgovernors and members
pamy: plus in today' s cook' s pcorner, we' re making gluten-free ptiramisu cupcakes. pyou don' t want to miss this pamy: welcome back. pdevelopments now in the search pa wreckage site has been found pin the mountains. pinvestigators say all 23 people pon board were killed. pthe flight was supposed to be pjust 18 minutes long, but pcontact was lost after takeoff. pauthorities say it appears the lane flew directly into a pmountain. pto commitment 2016 now. prepublican candidates are plooking to...
Feb 10, 2016
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ptom: it' s one of those things pthat happens. pyou change the traffic pattern pand nobody in town knows what pit' s going on. pthat' s going to do it for right pnow. p the voting continues tonight in ptom merrimack. p:thank you for joining us again pfor coverage of the new pjust 2% reporting right now and pthose are very early numbers. p>> let' s get a look again with pthe same 2% of precincts preporting, we have some early pnumbers. phere you can see donald trump, pthe front runner here in new phampshire holding up 41%. pted cruz right now positioned in psecond place again with these pearly numbers with 11%, followed pby john kasich. pthen jeb bush is rounding out pthe top four. ptechnically you' re looking at pthe top three as it stands right pnow we just 2% reporting. p>> chris christie at 7%, ben pcarson with 2%. pvery early numbers in this race. pwe will continue to keep you pup-to-date. px you can see those scrolling at pwhere we understand now trending pon twitter. pat one point today there was a pline about two miles long of p
ptom: it' s one of those things pthat happens. pyou change the traffic pattern pand nobody in town knows what pit' s going on. pthat' s going to do it for right pnow. p the voting continues tonight in ptom merrimack. p:thank you for joining us again pfor coverage of the new pjust 2% reporting right now and pthose are very early numbers. p>> let' s get a look again with pthe same 2% of precincts preporting, we have some early pnumbers. phere you can see donald trump, pthe front runner here...
Feb 9, 2016
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pyou when you go to vote. pfor now, we are live in pmanchester. psean: thanks. pwmur' s nikole killion is live in pmanchester keeping a close eye pon this make or break race. pafter the iowa caucuses, we saw pseveral candidates drop out. pcould we see more following new phampshire? pnikole: obviously, it is to be pdetermined. pjeb bush has said he is in for pthe long haul, even though he phas not been doing as well in pthe polls. pmany other candidates have palready booked campaign stops in psouth carolina. pclinton' s campaign staff. pwhat do we know? pnikole: "politico" broke that pstory. phillary and bill clinton have pnot been satisfied with the pcampaign' s messaging and digital poperations. paccording to sources, there pcould be some kind of shakeup in ptoday. pmrs. clinton was asked about pare overblown. psean: we know that some of the pcandidates have been feuding all pthe way to the finish line. pwho is clashing right now? pnikole: knows the prizes come pthe clinton camp and the sanders pcamp have stepped up their prhetoric against each other in pthe last couple
pyou when you go to vote. pfor now, we are live in pmanchester. psean: thanks. pwmur' s nikole killion is live in pmanchester keeping a close eye pon this make or break race. pafter the iowa caucuses, we saw pseveral candidates drop out. pcould we see more following new phampshire? pnikole: obviously, it is to be pdetermined. pjeb bush has said he is in for pthe long haul, even though he phas not been doing as well in pthe polls. pmany other candidates have palready booked campaign stops in...
Feb 6, 2016
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pshelley: after tonight' s debate, pyou can go online to see how pyour cheers and boos compared to peveryone else who took part. pjosh: republican carly fiorina pdid not meet the criteria for s debate. pdespite that, the presidential phopeful says she will continue pto push on to the primary. pfiorina has several campaign pstops planned over the next few pdays here in new hampshire. ptoday, she spoke on-on-one with pto say to voters. pcarly fiorina: we have to take pour country back, we have to ptake our future, our politics pand our government back. pwe have a professional political pclass and an out of control pgovernment and neither one of pthem work for us anymore. pi am running for the presidency pbecause we need to restore, pcitizen government, so citizens pof new hampshire voters, stand p, with me, fight with me, vote pfor me because we have to take pour country back. pjosh: we asked fiorina what pshe' ll be doing during tonight' s pdebate. pshe says we' ll have to wait and psee. pformer virginia governor jim pgilmore also didn' t make the cut pfor tonight' s debate. pgilmore made a n
pshelley: after tonight' s debate, pyou can go online to see how pyour cheers and boos compared to peveryone else who took part. pjosh: republican carly fiorina pdid not meet the criteria for s debate. pdespite that, the presidential phopeful says she will continue pto push on to the primary. pfiorina has several campaign pstops planned over the next few pdays here in new hampshire. ptoday, she spoke on-on-one with pto say to voters. pcarly fiorina: we have to take pour country back, we have to...
Feb 9, 2016
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pyou' ll find all the registration prules and information on polling psites. peverything you need to know is pat wmur.com. pthat' s it for this special new phampshire votes midnight pcoverage. pthe midnight vote from dixville pnotch. pnews 9 daybreak begins at 5:00 pa.m. p[captioning performed by the pnational captionin talking about -- never pmind. pyou know what the odds in las pvegas are on your -- you winning pthe academy award? p>> i don't. pi didn't pay attention to that. pbut -- p>> jimmy: they're way better pthan the broncos' were pyesterday. p>> the broncos? p[ laughter ] p>> oh, thank you! pnow i don't have to be pembarrassed already. p>> jimmy: like we're playing p"password" here. p>> it's not a she that is coming pon the show? p>> jimmy: it's a man, yeah. pthey don't have any female layers on the team. pit's very sectionist. p>> they don't? pthat's super weird. cougars. pinteresting. pi watched the puppy bowl which pis pretty exciting. pi thought i was going to be on p>> jimmy: why? p>> because -- well, because i pmade a mistake. p>> jimmy: what was the mistake? pof this celebrity football game. pand i
pyou' ll find all the registration prules and information on polling psites. peverything you need to know is pat wmur.com. pthat' s it for this special new phampshire votes midnight pcoverage. pthe midnight vote from dixville pnotch. pnews 9 daybreak begins at 5:00 pa.m. p[captioning performed by the pnational captionin talking about -- never pmind. pyou know what the odds in las pvegas are on your -- you winning pthe academy award? p>> i don't. pi didn't pay attention to that. pbut --...
Feb 9, 2016
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pyou beat him in iowa, how can pyou beat him here in new phampshire? p>> well listen, that' s going to pbe a question for the voters phere in new hampshire. pbut i think the question that pevery voter is asking, is who pcan i trust? pwe' ve see over and over again pcampaign conservatives, who talk pa good game. pbut they haven' t walked the pwalk. pand i believe what the american eople are looking for is a pconsistent conservative, someone pwho has been the same yesterday, ptoday and tomorrow. pshelley political pundits say p: cruz won iowa, with the help pof evangelical voters, not a phampshire. pbut he is counting on a pdifferent voting block to carry phim during tomorrow' s primary. p>> what is so encouraging is pthat we' re seeing the old reagan pcoalition coming together. pso we' re seeing conservatives pand evangelicals and plibertarians and reagan pdemocrats and young people all pcoming together. pwe saw that in iowa a week ago. pshelley: i' ve spent a lot of ptime with senator cruz over the plast couple of days. phe said that if elected resident, his priorities pinclud
pyou beat him in iowa, how can pyou beat him here in new phampshire? p>> well listen, that' s going to pbe a question for the voters phere in new hampshire. pbut i think the question that pevery voter is asking, is who pcan i trust? pwe' ve see over and over again pcampaign conservatives, who talk pa good game. pbut they haven' t walked the pwalk. pand i believe what the american eople are looking for is a pconsistent conservative, someone pwho has been the same yesterday, ptoday and...
Feb 25, 2016
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pcentral and northern areas in pthe 30' s, but warm enough that pit is falling as rain. pyou can see the difference this pmorning. p50' s to new 60 this morning. p57 in manchester, 35 in pnorthfield. p40 in concord. p56 in marlborough. p38 and surrey. pthere is a huge difference in ptemperature. pa lot is elevation driven. psinking into the lower-level pvalleys, below 500 feet, that is pwhere we are seeing dense colder pair waiting for a wind to whisk pit away. pwhen it does, temperatures will pjump 10 degrees to 15 degrees in pone hour and level loft with the prest of us, highs in the 50' s to pnear 60. pafternoon as the upper-level psystem moves closer. povernight we will see rain pshowers go to snow showers with pskies clearing in the southern pareas of the state, setting up a pbrisk when. phighs tomorrow likely from the pmiddle 20' s in the north country pto middle 30' s in southern pareas. pafter those above and below pzero, we work backwards to the pmiddle 20' s on saturday with artly sunny skies. pthe next system is a weak one pthat will come at us on monday, pit will
pcentral and northern areas in pthe 30' s, but warm enough that pit is falling as rain. pyou can see the difference this pmorning. p50' s to new 60 this morning. p57 in manchester, 35 in pnorthfield. p40 in concord. p56 in marlborough. p38 and surrey. pthere is a huge difference in ptemperature. pa lot is elevation driven. psinking into the lower-level pvalleys, below 500 feet, that is pwhere we are seeing dense colder pair waiting for a wind to whisk pit away. pwhen it does, temperatures will...
Feb 5, 2016
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ptom: let' s head back now to our pcommitment 2016 coverage. pyou are looking live at saint pdown some -- st. anselm college. pjean: let' s head back out to pjosh mcelveen in jennifer vaughn pwho are there live. pjennifer: as far as turnout pgoes, this could be huge. pjosh: every primary the rojects what that will be and phe expects a record voter pturnout for tuesday' s primary. p200 82,000 republican voters pwill get out there to 260 house pand democratic votes will be pcast. pjennifer: those numbers would peclipse the numbers set during pthe 2008 primary, by the way. phe says he bases these estimates pon his own observations. psecretary gardner: i thought in p2008 we might not see anything plike that again because that was pan incredible turnout, but i pbelieve this one will actually pexceed that. pjennifer: the secretary of state palso says 95% of the votes will pbe cast at the polls, with only p5% or so being absentee ballots, pbelieve the impact on voter pturnout will be minimal. pand if you are not registered to pvote, you can register at the
ptom: let' s head back now to our pcommitment 2016 coverage. pyou are looking live at saint pdown some -- st. anselm college. pjean: let' s head back out to pjosh mcelveen in jennifer vaughn pwho are there live. pjennifer: as far as turnout pgoes, this could be huge. pjosh: every primary the rojects what that will be and phe expects a record voter pturnout for tuesday' s primary. p200 82,000 republican voters pwill get out there to 260 house pand democratic votes will be pcast. pjennifer: those...
Feb 29, 2016
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standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet... only $94 a month pfox 13's good day, local for pyou, all morning long. p>> you know we've all dealt with pthem, either as your co-worker por toxic people those people pthat just drag you down. pdoug arms is here vice-president pof kelly services. pfirst of all, categories in psecond. ptoxic employee, what toxic erson is toxin pollutant. eople that are polluting to the penvironment of work, and it pcould be you know, for a number pof different reasons. pand we tend to think of them as pjust overly negative. pbut it had, they can disrupt the pwork place in lot of different pways. pwe have categories we will look pat. plet's get category and talk few pof them there's the hot mess. pthere's the slacker. pthere's the martyr. pthere's the socialite. pthere's the sociopath. plet's talk about a few of these. pwe've all known them too. pwhat do you know about a hot pmess? phot mess is pretty much what it pis. erson that just cannot get panything done. pyou don't know incompetent or pthey just haven't been trained. pbut constantly a drain on pres
standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet... only $94 a month pfox 13's good day, local for pyou, all morning long. p>> you know we've all dealt with pthem, either as your co-worker por toxic people those people pthat just drag you down. pdoug arms is here vice-president pof kelly services. pfirst of all, categories in psecond. ptoxic employee, what toxic erson is toxin pollutant. eople that are polluting to the penvironment of work, and it pcould be you know, for a number pof...
Feb 4, 2016
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know better sleep p>>> fox 13's good day, local for pyou, all morning long. pwell it's the first thursday of pfebruary, that means it's going pto rain. p>> and it also means the opening pday of the florida state fair. p>> charley belcher is there pright now. pare you on a ferris wheel yet? p>> yes, indeed. pwhat we've done everything else, pright? pi showed you the entertainment. pand tell you about new food pagriculture commission we saw pkids animals. pwe've done it all it's time to pgo for a ride. pthat's where we are. pi feel safe on has here wheel pbecause i'm sitting with guy pwho's in charge of making sure pthis is safe. pyes, sir we're on way right now ptell me what company you're with pthird party ride inspector? pthat's correct a 30 party pinspector with wagner consulting pgroup. pour group comes out and works pliaison with state inspector pdepartment of agriculture here pin florida as well group here pthat inspects rides along with pthe state. pyes, sir third party. pthat's good you're not the pcompany hutting ride on, you'll, pyou'll be a little m
know better sleep p>>> fox 13's good day, local for pyou, all morning long. pwell it's the first thursday of pfebruary, that means it's going pto rain. p>> and it also means the opening pday of the florida state fair. p>> charley belcher is there pright now. pare you on a ferris wheel yet? p>> yes, indeed. pwhat we've done everything else, pright? pi showed you the entertainment. pand tell you about new food pagriculture commission we saw pkids animals. pwe've done it...
Feb 10, 2016
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s pday? perin: you and shiloh are going pto get together. pyou and crash. psean: we will have a nice pevening together. pyes. p[laughter] psean: i want to go back to the phonesty. pkevin: we start off with ptemperatures in the teens to pnear 20 degrees. pa little bit of snow in the pnorth country. pwe are going to continue to pexpect to see the clouds built pthrough the day. pthere is the potential that the psnow showers could go up to pscattered snow squalls with a pbrief downpour of snow. s all right p-- reduced visibility is a ossibility. otential is there. pit is not like a line of pthem easily. pand bump into atmospheric pmechanics. pit can make the roadways slick pfor a quick amount of time. pwe have the upper level system pon the move now out of the great plakes and making its way poverhead. pinto early friday, we will run pthe risk of scattered snow pshowers. ptoday is the best chance for a pbrief squall or two. ptemperatures in the teens to pnear 20 degrees. pmost areas with a very light pbreeze should be getting back up pthat is a bargain consider
s pday? perin: you and shiloh are going pto get together. pyou and crash. psean: we will have a nice pevening together. pyes. p[laughter] psean: i want to go back to the phonesty. pkevin: we start off with ptemperatures in the teens to pnear 20 degrees. pa little bit of snow in the pnorth country. pwe are going to continue to pexpect to see the clouds built pthrough the day. pthere is the potential that the psnow showers could go up to pscattered snow squalls with a pbrief downpour of snow. s...
Feb 6, 2016
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pyou' ll hear from the focus group pinside wmur' s studios. phayley: tracking might snow phampshire. ptomorrow we are back to sun pbefore the chances of more snow. p p josh: welcome back to wmur' s pcommitment 2016 coverage of the prepublican presidential debate phere at saint anselm college. ptrack what viewers are searching p-- what viewers are doing online pduring the debate. pwmur' s jean mackin is live pinside the spin room with how pthat will work. pjean: it is impressive. pwelcome to the google spin room. pthis is the spot where members pof the media will meet with the pcandidates immediately following pthe debate. pthey will be filing reports and pwatching the debate from inside pthis room tonight. pit is a big, innovative, modern pspace. plook at the big board following pgoogle trend searches pstate-by-state, sorted in real ptime. palso, you can see what trends eople are interested in as the pcandidate speaking tonight' s pdebate. pmore than 500 members of the pmedia from around the world are phere. p15 networks going live, as you pca
pyou' ll hear from the focus group pinside wmur' s studios. phayley: tracking might snow phampshire. ptomorrow we are back to sun pbefore the chances of more snow. p p josh: welcome back to wmur' s pcommitment 2016 coverage of the prepublican presidential debate phere at saint anselm college. ptrack what viewers are searching p-- what viewers are doing online pduring the debate. pwmur' s jean mackin is live pinside the spin room with how pthat will work. pjean: it is impressive. pwelcome to the...
Feb 11, 2016
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s. pa few spots get near 30 degrees. pyou notice the coverage of pscattered snow showers. pnot everywhere, not all the ptime, but they will be out there p. pmost prevalent in western and pnorthern areas of the state. pclearing skies tonight. psingle digits above and below pzero overnight. pthere will be the risk late in pthe day of the couple of snow pshowers, but the better chance pis going to be later tomorrow pnight and early saturday pmorning. pthis is the leading edge of the pcoldest air. pmaybe a snow shower with that pearly saturday morning. pthe sky is clear, the wind picks pup. pit looks like the coldest of the pknights will be sunday morning ptoday, we are back into the p20' s. p8 degrees to -8 degrees povernight. artial sunshine for tomorrow. pthe chance of a snow shower ptomorrow evening will bring in pthe coldest of the air. pi temperatures between zero and p20. pwind chills throughout most of pthe weekend except early psaturday morning at or below pzero. pit looks like that continues pinto monday morning. p75 percent of the days since pdecember 1 have been ab
s. pa few spots get near 30 degrees. pyou notice the coverage of pscattered snow showers. pnot everywhere, not all the ptime, but they will be out there p. pmost prevalent in western and pnorthern areas of the state. pclearing skies tonight. psingle digits above and below pzero overnight. pthere will be the risk late in pthe day of the couple of snow pshowers, but the better chance pis going to be later tomorrow pnight and early saturday pmorning. pthis is the leading edge of the pcoldest air....
Feb 11, 2016
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s anthem pof the seas has returned. pthe ship, docked in new jersey. pafter hurricane force winds psunday, over 100 miles per hour, pand 30 foot waves forced the pship to turn back. pto tip over. pyou could hear the ferocity of pthe winds. p>> the ship' s captain, pexplaining in this video pbroadcast internally to all 4500 pstaterooms, he didn' t realize pthe magnitude of the storm pwhen the ship set out. p>> the whole thing was not pbigger than this and it was up phere and then it just exploded. p>> passengers were ordered to pstay inside their staterooms for p8 hours. p>> you never can tell. ponce you get out to sea, things phappen and you just have to hove p-- have to let the wind come on pand survive it and ride it out. p>> in a statement, royal pcaribbean tells abc news pweather isn' t great, so he' s pslowed down his speed to smooth pit out. pbut many passengers don' t pbelieve the captain should have pever left port in the first lace. p>> i really resent the fact that phe put 6,000 people' s lives at prisk. p>> no one has been seriously phurt. pand royal caribbean has papologized to the passengers, poffering a full refund and then psome. pthe cruise line says the ship' s pse
s anthem pof the seas has returned. pthe ship, docked in new jersey. pafter hurricane force winds psunday, over 100 miles per hour, pand 30 foot waves forced the pship to turn back. pto tip over. pyou could hear the ferocity of pthe winds. p>> the ship' s captain, pexplaining in this video pbroadcast internally to all 4500 pstaterooms, he didn' t realize pthe magnitude of the storm pwhen the ship set out. p>> the whole thing was not pbigger than this and it was up phere and then it...
Feb 15, 2016
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. >> n whe pyou tointiso h own orreced, hcr s eamsarli, arli, li ar. > th> i weink f'reinix g toselo e thecelonti to hlliary clinton i df weon'top st .this >> o,alsni bernde saerset gs a st ta we ofhat he mayac fe h ase ri tes toin w aanfricme-acrian v erot s. >>_vi' ve sidala b 5ck0 s,time all t.righ 'sthate tht 51s. time c>> ian hyllarin clnto b winy ki mahing tspa camign a ijongnime hi tsun sdayni morng iforensidd an asinaly sear gw en ilifri, chos, rn foerurni d an lekathen rpar,ke cniolumst for "the washingtopon ."st coweltome suy.nda sit' " tmeetprhe "ess. fr>>> nbom cws ne in shwaoingtn, is th is "meet thee prssth wi ch uck d"tod. > >>od goda sun yrnmoing. it as hn'tap hedpence sin 6819. aac vancy bleatt onth e emsupre urcoatt h t sisgetaf oan ecelontiy r.ea we ledearnte laes yayterdf othe dd sunden agi traeac dth of emsuprure coust j aticeinnton s iacal. i anlnteualectdl an crvonseeativ gthouht adleer, ama npr eesid nt ba oasma ltni ghtl calede onf o he tst moon censequtialud jges a ndhi trsnke tose rveon the resupcome .urt iascalea's dthf our coisse a pe narsolra t fgedyor h
. >> n whe pyou tointiso h own orreced, hcr s eamsarli, arli, li ar. > th> i weink f'reinix g toselo e thecelonti to hlliary clinton i df weon'top st .this >> o,alsni bernde saerset gs a st ta we ofhat he mayac fe h ase ri tes toin w aanfricme-acrian v erot s. >>_vi' ve sidala b 5ck0 s,time all t.righ 'sthate tht 51s. time c>> ian hyllarin clnto b winy ki mahing tspa camign a ijongnime hi tsun sdayni morng iforensidd an asinaly sear gw en ilifri, chos, rn foerurni...
Feb 10, 2016
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pthe letter provides a list of pneighbors with a promise to let pyou know if they voted. pthe attorney general' s office psays this is not illegal because pvoting information is public and pit is not planning to take any paction. pa lot of people wrote to us. psean: we got a lot of pcomplaints. perin: a search and conway will presume after a man fell through pthe ice in a local pond. psean: the man convicted of pbefore the parole board. pseth mazzaglia is not getting pout of prison. perin: new hampshire has voted. pwe have more coverage of the pkevin: wednesday morning, pfebruary 10. pteens to lower ranges of the p20' s. psouthwestern parts of the state pwith snow and more filling in pthrough the day. pa brief squall is possible at ptimes. perin: new hampshire has voted pand the results from the residential primary are in. pbernie sanders is the big winner pon the democratic side, easily poutpacing hillary clinton. pdonald trump more than doubled pup on john kasich numbers to ptake the republican race with pted cruz coming in third, pfollowed closely by jeb bush and pmarco rubio. psean: turning n
pthe letter provides a list of pneighbors with a promise to let pyou know if they voted. pthe attorney general' s office psays this is not illegal because pvoting information is public and pit is not planning to take any paction. pa lot of people wrote to us. psean: we got a lot of pcomplaints. perin: a search and conway will presume after a man fell through pthe ice in a local pond. psean: the man convicted of pbefore the parole board. pseth mazzaglia is not getting pout of prison. perin: new...
Feb 5, 2016
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s mike cronin joins us live pwith a preview. pmike: this event will be pstarting shortly. pyou see hundreds of people are pwireless arena. pto my left, bernie sanders pclinton supporters. pthe 100 club dinner is the last pchance for party members to hear pfrom hillary clinton and bernie psanders before tuesday' rimary, and in addition to the ptwo candidates, state and local pdemocratic leaders are here as pwasserman schultz. pcandidates are expected to begin pspeaking around a 30 p.m. pwe will have a full recap later pon wmur. pjennifer: and now to the new pnumbers just released in the prepublican race. pjosh: tonight there is still a pclear front runner on the pchiappetta side, -- on the gop pside, but there is some movement pbelow donald trump. pafter a strong showing in iowa pmarco rubio has gained ground p, here in new hampshire with p17%. pfollowed by john kasich and ted pcruz at 13%. pamd jeb bush at 9%. pcarly fiorina is at 5%, with pgovernor chris christie at 4% pand and carson is at 1%. pour live coverage of the prepublican candidates picks up pnow pwith the marco rubio campaign. pright now he is holding his pfi
s mike cronin joins us live pwith a preview. pmike: this event will be pstarting shortly. pyou see hundreds of people are pwireless arena. pto my left, bernie sanders pclinton supporters. pthe 100 club dinner is the last pchance for party members to hear pfrom hillary clinton and bernie psanders before tuesday' rimary, and in addition to the ptwo candidates, state and local pdemocratic leaders are here as pwasserman schultz. pcandidates are expected to begin pspeaking around a 30 p.m. pwe will...
Feb 25, 2016
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pthe 50' s, everyone will peventually realize into the day pa couple of the central valleys plike plymouth, franklin, those pare the areas that tend to hang ponto the coldest at the longest. pyou will notice whitefield at a phigh elevation already back up pto the 50' s. pit will be 50' s for most out pthere today. pmore showers will be pulling pthrough during the day today as pwe have a couple of breaks of psunshine. pthat will changeover to snow pshowers later on tonight. pthe cool air builds and from pwith a good deal of sunshine. pit warming trend sunday. pso much show the next system is robably rain showers. psean: doesn' p p>>> jessica chastain looks like pjulia roberts' ghost. pi like that one. p>> seth rogen is really just pdustin diamond with 150 extra ounds on him. poh, man. p>> eddie redmayne looks like pdenis leary wearing the skin of pjustin bieber. p>> there it is. plittle sneak peek of jimmy pkimmel. pmakes you think in they do. p>> you can see it all tonight on p"jimmy kimmel live." p>> doing that takes the steam p>> if you can laugh about it it ptakes the power out of it pcounting down to oscar sunday. prachel smith is actually getting pthe party started at sam
pthe 50' s, everyone will peventually realize into the day pa couple of the central valleys plike plymouth, franklin, those pare the areas that tend to hang ponto the coldest at the longest. pyou will notice whitefield at a phigh elevation already back up pto the 50' s. pit will be 50' s for most out pthere today. pmore showers will be pulling pthrough during the day today as pwe have a couple of breaks of psunshine. pthat will changeover to snow pshowers later on tonight. pthe cool air builds...
Feb 10, 2016
eye 72
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while the reality tv star is pstill doing well, it looks like pyou all have reset the race, and pfor that i' m really grateful. pgranite stater' s pa race to elect the president of pthe united states, a person who pestimate tucked decisions. pi got to share my heart and my pideas about the future of this pcountry am so grateful to have phampshire. p>> south carolina and no doubt pnext for jeb bush. pcaucuses, but did it transfer pover to new hampshire? pshelley: senator ted cruz pconsiders this third-place pfinish a victory of sorts. pa lot of people told him he pcould not do well in new phampshire without his pevangelical base but he' s happy pabout the showing they had here ptonight. phe told the crowd we have done pwhat the washington pestablishment hoped would not be pdone. preagan establishment coming back ptogether. phe told the crowd it' psouth carolina and said that pwashington liberals may find psouth carolina to be a far less phospitable environment. pagain senator ted cruz saying phe' s happy with his showing here pin new hampshire tonight, saying pthe real winners are pconservative grassroots. pfrom here they are on
while the reality tv star is pstill doing well, it looks like pyou all have reset the race, and pfor that i' m really grateful. pgranite stater' s pa race to elect the president of pthe united states, a person who pestimate tucked decisions. pi got to share my heart and my pideas about the future of this pcountry am so grateful to have phampshire. p>> south carolina and no doubt pnext for jeb bush. pcaucuses, but did it transfer pover to new hampshire? pshelley: senator ted cruz...
Feb 23, 2016
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pyou can just ask lego. pfox 13's walter allen is look m pnew modern take on the false. pgood morning. pthe world is getting mo rogressive it all blue and pink psome boys dressing up princess pand tools and trucks being pmarketed towards girls leave it pup to lego to adapt changes. ptake look new city. pdad in red played shirt pushing pthe baby in stroller. pmom in work clothes. resident of lego says the pcompany is staying in tune with pworld around them and constantly pchanging. phome dads are becoming more pcommon they are far from norm. ugh research number of stay phome dads in u.s. grew from p1.1 million to two million pbetween 1999 and fwent 12. p21 percent of dads say, they pchose to take care of their pkids. panother 79 percent say new psurvey at home because new can't pfind work or around disabled. pbeauty of kids playing with plegos is they don't have to pthink about who main financial rovider is. pjust about the image. pso think about t it's the father ushing the stroller and that's phim engaging with other members pof the lego family. pits also another way of
pyou can just ask lego. pfox 13's walter allen is look m pnew modern take on the false. pgood morning. pthe world is getting mo rogressive it all blue and pink psome boys dressing up princess pand tools and trucks being pmarketed towards girls leave it pup to lego to adapt changes. ptake look new city. pdad in red played shirt pushing pthe baby in stroller. pmom in work clothes. resident of lego says the pcompany is staying in tune with pworld around them and constantly pchanging. phome dads...
Feb 25, 2016
eye 89
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pyou can say that t.j.'s trip to pafrica was a lot smoother than pthat. p>> do you think they found t.j.? pusually they run towards people. pthey ran the other way. p>> they ran the other way. pcan you imagine? p>> you got to be chronicled on pinstagram escaped from africa. p>> so much fun. pi loved watching that. pi felt like i was actually on a psafari which i've always wanted pto do. p>>> a different type of padventure for a group of pveterans who lost limbs. pthey're attending a winter psports camp in california's high psierra. p>> hitting the slopes all this pweek. pskiing and snow boarding all art of a week long event to put ptogether by a group called pachieve tahoe. p>> incredible. pand when they get to the bottom pof the run, they get on psnowmobiles for the ride back up pto the top. pthey say that the whole thing is pactually meant to challenge them pto do things that they normally pwouldn't do. pi would say, i couldn't even do pthat. retty impressive. p>> they have to get on a ski plift. pwe've had so many reports of ski plift problems lately,
pyou can say that t.j.'s trip to pafrica was a lot smoother than pthat. p>> do you think they found t.j.? pusually they run towards people. pthey ran the other way. p>> they ran the other way. pcan you imagine? p>> you got to be chronicled on pinstagram escaped from africa. p>> so much fun. pi loved watching that. pi felt like i was actually on a psafari which i've always wanted pto do. p>>> a different type of padventure for a group of pveterans who lost limbs....
Feb 6, 2016
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s psupposed to get cold, tomorrow pshould warm up. pwe' ll see some melting, but we pneed to get it pushed back pbefore it freezes tonight. psnow. pyou cannot park your car on the pmorning. pstephanie woods. pshelley: to commitment 2016. pbernie sanders and hillary pclinton shared a stage for the plast time before the new phampshire primary tonight. pour newest poll, released just phours ago, shows the vermont psenator is maintaining his psecretary of state. pthem. pbut a third of voters say they phaven' t firmly committed to a pny candidate. ptonight, clinton and sanders had panother chance to make their pcase to democrats at the party' s pannual 100 club dinner. pwmur' pall evening long. phe joins us live from the pverizon wireless arena. pmike: of course, clinton and arty nomination. pmost supporters worsening on popposite ends. psomething make all agree on, pkeeping the republicans out of pthe white house. pthousands packed the arena for pthe dinner were hillary clinton pand senator centers made one of ptheir final pitches to new phampshire. psure the citizens united ruling pgot overturned. pmr. sanders: this country pbelongs to
s psupposed to get cold, tomorrow pshould warm up. pwe' ll see some melting, but we pneed to get it pushed back pbefore it freezes tonight. psnow. pyou cannot park your car on the pmorning. pstephanie woods. pshelley: to commitment 2016. pbernie sanders and hillary pclinton shared a stage for the plast time before the new phampshire primary tonight. pour newest poll, released just phours ago, shows the vermont psenator is maintaining his psecretary of state. pthem. pbut a third of voters say...
Feb 2, 2016
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pyou can talls go to facebook plook for fox 13's linda hurtado, pi'll post links there and we'll pforecast p>>> hey everybody i'm charley pbelcher coming coming to you pfrom south at that today. pone 09 south dale mabrey to be pexact. pyes. pa mini donut factory. pwhat mini donut you may ask? pwell that's it. pthat's it before it has been pdressed. pthere's the there's naked mini pdonut. pcoming right out of beautiful pbath. pthis is patrick. pthis is z the husband wife team pbehind the mini donut factory. pguys only be open a couple of pmonths. pand it's just caught on like pcrazy. pit reminds me of cronut craze pyou created this whole new thing p>> no cronut here. pyou don't need it miniature pdonuts. ptell me the idea behind how this pbusiness came to to be a great pconcept everybody goats try pdifferent flavors you sampled a pfew but you didn't get a big plarge donut and get overwhelmed pwith too much of one thing. pso this you get an opportunity pto try different flavors. pso like ladies love it guys like pit just good to be able to psample everything. pless calorie fors fitness peopl
pyou can talls go to facebook plook for fox 13's linda hurtado, pi'll post links there and we'll pforecast p>>> hey everybody i'm charley pbelcher coming coming to you pfrom south at that today. pone 09 south dale mabrey to be pexact. pyes. pa mini donut factory. pwhat mini donut you may ask? pwell that's it. pthat's it before it has been pdressed. pthere's the there's naked mini pdonut. pcoming right out of beautiful pbath. pthis is patrick. pthis is z the husband wife team pbehind...
Feb 8, 2016
eye 158
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fox13's mark plook p>> in this florida field a pmovement takes off. pyou go up to the line, you set pyour quad down in the start pline. pthink nascar means the wright pbrothers. ut your goggles on wait for pcount down. pand race is on. pusually it's eight guys taking poff at once. pfighting to hit through a group pthat 4 foot, 5 foot arch. pdrone racing next big spectator psmort. pcody is one of florida top ilots. pten years from now might not peven have props any more. pright and locked position here pbecause a wild ride is in. p>>> and the moment we saw it, we pwere immediately in love with pit. pit's such a beautiful place to pfly. pthere's a beautiful even around pcystic side to this. pthis iconic building in lakeland olytechnic university is canvas pfor creation. pback on the field. pserious racing goes on. pit's all fun and bragging rights pbut in the future, the stakes pcould be high. pthere are some groups who have pbrought some big money to the ptable. pthere's a race in did you bay pwith million dollar prize pannounced for that event. pchris thom
fox13's mark plook p>> in this florida field a pmovement takes off. pyou go up to the line, you set pyour quad down in the start pline. pthink nascar means the wright pbrothers. ut your goggles on wait for pcount down. pand race is on. pusually it's eight guys taking poff at once. pfighting to hit through a group pthat 4 foot, 5 foot arch. pdrone racing next big spectator psmort. pcody is one of florida top ilots. pten years from now might not peven have props any more. pright and locked...
Feb 24, 2016
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pfor more on that go to fox 13's pvanessa ruffes i know you've pbusy all morning long i can tell pyou what a traffic looks like pright now. pit's backed up and been that way pfor quite some time. pgood morning your shot basically proad sensors. punfortunately looks like you're pnot going to see any huge relief puntil you hit hillsborough pavenue. pafter that point as you head psouth it will be a little bit pjammed up in very least. pup near ulrich we have speed psensors onning veterans pexpressway you start to hit pdelays ten miles per hour fast pas you're going to go. pessentially exactly what alcides psaid he was seeing as was ptraveling south bound along the pvets. pgood news we've shaved off a few pminutes in that southbound pdirection. pbad news is 44 minutes still not phave good at all if you're ptraveling veterans expressway pyou've got leave early pnorthbound direction seeing a pfew delays 13 minutes. pit's not terrible certainly phaving an impact as far as the pweather on our roadways. pdave mentioned sunshine skyway pbridge being maybe a bit of phazard for drivers at this oi
pfor more on that go to fox 13's pvanessa ruffes i know you've pbusy all morning long i can tell pyou what a traffic looks like pright now. pit's backed up and been that way pfor quite some time. pgood morning your shot basically proad sensors. punfortunately looks like you're pnot going to see any huge relief puntil you hit hillsborough pavenue. pafter that point as you head psouth it will be a little bit pjammed up in very least. pup near ulrich we have speed psensors onning veterans...
Feb 4, 2016
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s "world news tonight with david muir." david: breaking news tonight on the zika outbreak, new concerns. ramerica's heroes have a message. if you've fought... pyou know picking a commander in chief is no small thing. you're looking for smarts... and guts. we looked at each candidate... we studied their record... we know... looked them over... we checked them out... and we chose one. there's only one. jeb bush. he's got a plan. he'll keep us safe. r he's a president - a commander in chief. jeb bush. best prepared to be commander in chief. right to rise usa heather: i have to say, skiers are going to be happy for the t look like it up. harvey: it definitely could extend up north, but this is definitely a southern new england snowstorm. ed: do keep this in mind, boston public schools have already canceled for tomorrow, so even though it is warm and not snow we tomorrow, it is going to be colder and snow we tomorrow. hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-hmm t they've all come all come to look for america v all come to look for america i'm bernie sanders,
s "world news tonight with david muir." david: breaking news tonight on the zika outbreak, new concerns. ramerica's heroes have a message. if you've fought... pyou know picking a commander in chief is no small thing. you're looking for smarts... and guts. we looked at each candidate... we studied their record... we know... looked them over... we checked them out... and we chose one. there's only one. jeb bush. he's got a plan. he'll keep us safe. r he's a president - a commander in...
Feb 4, 2016
eye 108
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s a catch. the declaration that has to come first. traffic moving along the bridge. message. pyou know picking a commander in chief is no small thing. you're looking for smarts... we looked at each candidate... we studied their record... we know... looked them over... we checked them out... and we chose one. there's only one. jeb bush. he's got a plan. he's a president - a commander in chief. jeb bush. best prepared to be commander in chief. right to rise usa >> now a newscenter 5 eyeopener. randy: final showdown. the democrats get ready to share a new hampshire stage with just days to go. the word that' s sparking a lot of arguments. frank: and the republicans share the campaign trail. but it' s not the granite state right now. antoinette: new details in the death of a little boy in boston. the revelations about the state' s involvement in his life. emily: overnight wild video as a , robbery suspect tries to grab a big haul. but the clerk is not letting this guy off easy. on the eye. >> you are watching wcvb, boston' s news leader. good morning. this is newscenter 5 eyeopener. ra
s a catch. the declaration that has to come first. traffic moving along the bridge. message. pyou know picking a commander in chief is no small thing. you're looking for smarts... we looked at each candidate... we studied their record... we know... looked them over... we checked them out... and we chose one. there's only one. jeb bush. he's got a plan. he's a president - a commander in chief. jeb bush. best prepared to be commander in chief. right to rise usa >> now a newscenter 5...
Feb 14, 2016
eye 945
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. > >> s,plu thatld wiep rcaublin ba deate lst t.nigh ou>> y a areri plencip -- a lir. >> n whe pyou tointiso h own orreced, h smscrea liar, liar, arli. > i > inthwek e'rix fginto lo se th ele tiec onto hlliryali cnton if we don't stop isth. >>salero, bsanie rsnde gets a ta ofste t whahe ay m faces a he t rieso t winfr a-aicancmerian voters. >>_vi' ve sidala b 5ck0 metills, a ri ght. th tat's51he tist me. > an> cll hiaryin cl wtonyin b ngmakis thi ciampagn a ef rduerenm on anss,derot n h elersf? i jo ninghime tsun sydaor m ning
. > >> s,plu thatld wiep rcaublin ba deate lst t.nigh ou>> y a areri plencip -- a lir. >> n whe pyou tointiso h own orreced, h smscrea liar, liar, arli. > i > inthwek e'rix fginto lo se th ele tiec onto hlliryali cnton if we don't stop isth. >>salero, bsanie rsnde gets a ta ofste t whahe ay m faces a he t rieso t winfr a-aicancmerian voters. >>_vi' ve sidala b 5ck0 metills, a ri ght. th tat's51he tist me. > an> cll hiaryin cl wtonyin b ngmakis thi...
Feb 17, 2016
eye 47
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s post remi party. -- post-grammy party. wait until you see his reaction to the diss. harvey: how do you reimagine "banking"? you start with this... pthen you make it... nothing like this. pyou make a capital one caf\. someplace more relaxed. banking advice... without all the "double talk." pand checking accounts with no minimums... or fees. pthen you design a top-rated mobile app that makes banking as easy as this. that's banking reimagined. maria: 5 for good, some cambridge elementary school students reaching out to those in need. our partners at wicked local say some classes from fletcher maynard academy put together kindness kits as part of a larger peace project. each kit contained a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hand sanitizer, an apple, orange, a hats, mittens, and a hand-written note from a student. they then braved freezing temperatures last friday to hand s cool. maria: lovely. all right, who could forget this little cutie? little liam fitzgerald, capturing hearts as he fist-bumped his beloved bruins. ed: not only that, he does the fist pump. they do it together. today, the northborough boy turned 10 years old. and as newscenter 5' s mary salanda shows us, his
s post remi party. -- post-grammy party. wait until you see his reaction to the diss. harvey: how do you reimagine "banking"? you start with this... pthen you make it... nothing like this. pyou make a capital one caf\. someplace more relaxed. banking advice... without all the "double talk." pand checking accounts with no minimums... or fees. pthen you design a top-rated mobile app that makes banking as easy as this. that's banking reimagined. maria: 5 for good, some...
Feb 17, 2016
eye 533
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quote 3
rep ter: iwhenmet co s to hehandevld d wiceslde hom the e.clos wobut yould ndu hars your oveif b itmeecaue a qnstio n ofnaatiol cu se tritynmevernnt? th oinktf ierce a assoy. ke pyou ut a tnderahe m to he lp lnfaw emeorceetnt g in in ca osef eremy.gencre whbut apat h ipensrof a bber getsin? wh apat h ipensybf cami crisnal t ge. inc 'sthatt wha c tim iookhonay s ing l bui oding ch tegnolody ant' thaers whe e w nbegige to ntt ihio totedeba. r >>rtepo ler: orisi,egeley mon co porresntnde f cornnum srimasze ch exief ivecutine, fimds h selfaspo in . as he tbi f seeks to unlock an iphone used by onep otwf a u at ertack ts ineche rsaent d rn benoardiot sholeing g avin adead2 nd 2reinjud. e thrngove wment aants tppleay bu d ilbaa dckr oo tto iheonph_n ac incordoog to crek, cg atina cu se rity ,touret som hingem poopsseec bseaue ha ser ist' lo l se g ttinnga das erouedprec acfor .cess sin ametateoont clek re oasedn e the applitwebs se heinays rt pa...rec . ou>> ye havalto b danceeo w wa afnt sd e fboveryrdy oa dsoo w wetoant e havy?ivac usbecaeae r illysipos too avee.both ep>> rr:orteou ynpl peo e wee la me vet hah muc tmorey o saheon tc pl apure codet orr. ei thrdr womis
rep ter: iwhenmet co s to hehandevld d wiceslde hom the e.clos wobut yould ndu hars your oveif b itmeecaue a qnstio n ofnaatiol cu se tritynmevernnt? th oinktf ierce a assoy. ke pyou ut a tnderahe m to he lp lnfaw emeorceetnt g in in ca osef eremy.gencre whbut apat h ipensrof a bber getsin? wh apat h ipensybf cami crisnal t ge. inc 'sthatt wha c tim iookhonay s ing l bui oding ch tegnolody ant' thaers whe e w nbegige to ntt ihio totedeba. r >>rtepo ler: orisi,egeley mon co porresntnde f...
Feb 11, 2016
eye 170
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s resources to support growth. still ahead, -- an incredible sites. anchor: what they were able to capture on the international how do you reimagine "banking"? you start with this... pthen you make it... nothing like this. pyou make a capital one caf\. someplace more relaxed. pwith free wi-fi and banking advice... without all the "double talk." pand checking accounts with no minimums... or fees. pthen you design a top-rated mobile app that makes banking as easy as this. that's banking reimagined. i do everything on the internet. but, it's kind of slow. my friends say i should get fios because it's the fastest. i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (husband) we're out of 2%! i wonder what else could be better around here? (husband) i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet available, with uploads up to 5x faster than cable. get 100 meg upload and download speeds. plus tv and phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. switch to better. anchor: take a look at this video. all those flashes, they are lightning. tim peek posted this time lapse to show what a lightning storm looks like from space. the vide
s resources to support growth. still ahead, -- an incredible sites. anchor: what they were able to capture on the international how do you reimagine "banking"? you start with this... pthen you make it... nothing like this. pyou make a capital one caf\. someplace more relaxed. pwith free wi-fi and banking advice... without all the "double talk." pand checking accounts with no minimums... or fees. pthen you design a top-rated mobile app that makes banking as easy as this....
Feb 6, 2016
eye 583
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to keep up pyou' re looking live at i-93 pnorth in hooksett now, where the proads are fairly quiet, but ptraffic is moving smoothly. pthat might not be the case on pside roads though. pwmur' s stephanie woods joins us pfrom hampton beach now where pmore than half a foot of snow pfell. pstephanie? pstephanie: that is right. pit does not exactly look like a pdate at the beach. pthat' s because 8.5 inches of pit looks gorgeous on the sand pbut caused problems on the proads. p>> have some respect for the pstate guys and the town guys and pstay away. pdidn' t their parents teach them pto stay away from a plow truck? pstephanie: portsmouth department pof public works says a city plow ptruck driver was clearing lang proad friday evening when another pdriver hit the truck from pbehind. ortsmouth police shut down the proad for hours and brought the pcity worker to the hospital with pa leg injury. rivate plow driver anthony pmorabito in hampton says that eople tailgate his plow truck. p>> constantly. pconstantly. pit' s very common. peveryone' s in a hury. pthey don' t slow down until they psee an accident or they' re in an paccident. pstephanie: heather midgley says peven though plo
to keep up pyou' re looking live at i-93 pnorth in hooksett now, where the proads are fairly quiet, but ptraffic is moving smoothly. pthat might not be the case on pside roads though. pwmur' s stephanie woods joins us pfrom hampton beach now where pmore than half a foot of snow pfell. pstephanie? pstephanie: that is right. pit does not exactly look like a pdate at the beach. pthat' s because 8.5 inches of pit looks gorgeous on the sand pbut caused problems on the proads. p>> have some...
Feb 29, 2016
eye 726
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say havav allllgies when pyou think fl allll season,ly -- w always associate allergy season with ringng they areseseonal. few factors t will so, you knkn, incrcrse or@ar the on s of the allel seaso haso with@he winte we'f'd d. we h a m m nter. tsre lellininin tiririr areng>>s weer. remold. poll thehe h nheststamount. dry windy. sometimes whenherere a lot of rain washing t pollen awawa it bounds.>>akeourtopipils ououou over-the-c-cnter basisqlly that's the last alley treaeaent. allergy shots too. couple of thgs. can you prevent ? if you're allergig too something can you cure yoursrsff the lergy? no nececearily. one thing, knowt your trtrrs are. in the rng, e ercise insi. close yourwiwiows. ose yrreens. us aibi conditioningng check yourollen counts. ge that withh weaeaer rerert. outsid d d d y y take shower. wa your r ir. inin terms of trement -- ,, ah. the fir line isefinitely over-theounter. ususistamineenddimmune noo immuth imimnonoerap immutherapap >> snds grt. an ctor >> itt o o happene obce every four years. >> presidential elecon. >> noeap da we'reelebrating with fun trivia. >>>> people born on@eapp d ds arere callll what? >> lelefrogs.@ r mes are not ond
say havav allllgies when pyou think fl allll season,ly -- w always associate allergy season with ringng they areseseonal. few factors t will so, you knkn, incrcrse or@ar the on s of the allel seaso haso with@he winte we'f'd d. we h a m m nter. tsre lellininin tiririr areng>>s weer. remold. poll thehe h nheststamount. dry windy. sometimes whenherere a lot of rain washing t pollen awawa it bounds.>>akeourtopipils ououou over-the-c-cnter basisqlly that's the last alley treaeaent....
Feb 27, 2016
eye 665
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s >>: tevejawax mes. >> my jiml : alt.righ ma tdameudussa. li [ laght erught ] >> ve ste m: orusr. t.saud j >>: immyk than pyou,deresint am obora, fsi cloheng tso prin at mo gitau bect se is costthe go mevern85nt $li mil yon aear. ke liy the gsay, mitmo, oney tm giobo pr.lems la [ erught ] ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] an thu,k yoal donumd trorp, f ll cahiing y llartoclinn a a hmmarsw.allo [ t lighhtlauger ] wh isich tt preugy tolkh ta co fmingsorom e meoniswho the sa olme cs or arca cieaus pnut. ug[ la ]hter ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] sjustg.ayin yi sahang tounk y. te>> sthve: iat'st. 's itha a tounk ye. not im>> ji my: onwas ayly sing th yoank atu thll's a. te>> sjuve: ayst sthing at's huhis oe ise.rang im>> jthmy: yoank heu, tan wom l inn ondoiswho an dem ading li a mefetipl sup ky ofatit-ks r aftengbuyie som lthatd acke erwaffs. [ t lighhtlauger ] or th as kee ma kr ofatit-k put , it mgivebre a eak. la [ erught ] [ rschee a anduspplae ] ocomen. >> ve stest: juak breof me f a eca pi te ofkihat t t-kabar. >> my jimah: ye. gh[ liugt la ]hter k than pyou,n risodsguarr , fo geallefidly g ndinonbost temobsitr whuley bger
s >>: tevejawax mes. >> my jiml : alt.righ ma tdameudussa. li [ laght erught ] >> ve ste m: orusr. t.saud j >>: immyk than pyou,deresint am obora, fsi cloheng tso prin at mo gitau bect se is costthe go mevern85nt $li mil yon aear. ke liy the gsay, mitmo, oney tm giobo pr.lems la [ erught ] ch [ aeersppnd ae laus] an thu,k yoal donumd trorp, f ll cahiing y llartoclinn a a hmmarsw.allo [ t lighhtlauger ] wh isich tt preugy tolkh ta co fmingsorom e meoniswho the sa olme cs...
Feb 23, 2016
eye 58
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pyou can't hold him down. p>> romona: and i wouldn't have pwanted to sit next to him pknowing he had bed bugds s in his proom. p>> tony: you take this serious p>> romona: i do. pgibson with the browns wants to pleave. p>> tony: no. phe wants to stay. pray horton is the guy that kick pstarted his career. pgot it going a few years ago. phe's been strong. phe was down a little bit this ast year. pbut, come on, the defense was pdown. pyou had guys being used pimproperly. pyou had krueger back in pcoverage. pyou had mingo trying to rush it pshould have been the other way paround. pi don't put a lot on gibson. phad he an ankle situation. phere is the bottom line, he pwants money. pwe're talking 9.5 million a year pmoney. pso brown has done his contracts pbefore. pif he doesn't -- he's not ptalking to shawn right now. pif he doesn't think he's p$9.5 million guy. p>> romona: what do you think? pdid he produce enough to get p$9 million? p>> tony: no. ptoo far below that. pand he's a play maker. p>> romona: we had another guy pon the team that made 9 million, pand i don't think he played pmuch. p>> tony: come on. pthre
pyou can't hold him down. p>> romona: and i wouldn't have pwanted to sit next to him pknowing he had bed bugds s in his proom. p>> tony: you take this serious p>> romona: i do. pgibson with the browns wants to pleave. p>> tony: no. phe wants to stay. pray horton is the guy that kick pstarted his career. pgot it going a few years ago. phe's been strong. phe was down a little bit this ast year. pbut, come on, the defense was pdown. pyou had guys being used pimproperly....
Feb 10, 2016
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pso fox 13's walter allen is at pfirst united methodist church pwhere they just changing with pthe times, right, walter? p>> yeah, that's right, guys. pchurch service, is coming to pyou. astor diane daphne is talking pwith diane. pand this is ashes to go. pwhere the pastor is actually ptalking with them. psaying a prayer. pdoing the ashes and everything. pthis is just a number of pchurches that are doing this fwh pclearwater area. pwe're there an another church pearlier this morning. pnow we're at this one last for panother ten minutes we will talk pwith you in just one second. pi wanted for talk to dianne phere. pwhat brought you out today? p we dropped off our pgranddaughter ellis at reschool. pwe were delighted to see the pnow i've been hearing special pmessages and prayers from pdaphne. pjuries the fact you don't have pto get out of your car you still phave prayer up lifting moment pbefore you head up very up plifting yes. pwe do believe in jesus and our pdeath and resurrection. pthank you. pwe prayed for our retirement lans, whiches on our minds. preally thankful. pare you too, michael? p>> very grateful. pvery grateful. pall right. pthanks, guys. pappreciate it
pso fox 13's walter allen is at pfirst united methodist church pwhere they just changing with pthe times, right, walter? p>> yeah, that's right, guys. pchurch service, is coming to pyou. astor diane daphne is talking pwith diane. pand this is ashes to go. pwhere the pastor is actually ptalking with them. psaying a prayer. pdoing the ashes and everything. pthis is just a number of pchurches that are doing this fwh pclearwater area. pwe're there an another church pearlier this morning. pnow...
Feb 26, 2016
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pand fox 13's mike bennet is here pwith some safety tips for making pthe most of all seasons. p>> we all know summertime in pflorida can brutal. pyou can break a sweat just pwalking out the front door. pit may seem hard to believe that ptampa has never officially hit p100 degrees. peach year we average 98 days in pa row of high temperatures 90 or pabove. pand it makes it feel even photter. pit can feel like 110 or higher pon summer afternoons. pand when it gets up to 105, pthings can get dangerous for eople and for animals. prisks include heat cramps heat pexhaustion, heat stroke or even pdeath. pwhen the mercury starts climbing ay attention to heat advisories pand warnings. pwear light weight and light pcolored clothing and use plenty pof sunscreen and be sure to preapply it often. pwear sunglasses and a hat, drink lenty of water. peven if you don't feel thirsty. pdehydration can set in without pyou even realizing it. plimit your outdoor activities pbetween 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. pwhen it is hottest and check on pelderly. pchildren and pets a they tend to pbe more sensitive to heat. pat the other extreme, cold pweather can also
pand fox 13's mike bennet is here pwith some safety tips for making pthe most of all seasons. p>> we all know summertime in pflorida can brutal. pyou can break a sweat just pwalking out the front door. pit may seem hard to believe that ptampa has never officially hit p100 degrees. peach year we average 98 days in pa row of high temperatures 90 or pabove. pand it makes it feel even photter. pit can feel like 110 or higher pon summer afternoons. pand when it gets up to 105, pthings can get...
Feb 14, 2016
eye 133
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i aoorn th ls crowde to 2,he ier pyou o f hoey idgyules tt are a bit differt omhehl ca can i check? >> no, there is no ecki r: is a former playe caan ilog >>but s you n y. >>eporter: oh, it went in! fight? >> nfort. and no an n goaltendin >> repter: why no whatando? >> wt can y do? i tnkougotoust have fun. and enjoy theoutdoorshe el, the vi, nhingetter anoutsid rorr:hehance tla hoey lik they did a kidin the great ouoors drawslars om more tha 40 stas unitingiend family an old teammate >> w gre up in ptsbuh togeer playing ckey. >> o grandd. they pas dow t h us >> reporter: lee g recrued to play by his sons. my two boysren thisteam. e is 49, one is40 >> repter: if you don't md me asking, how old are you? >> >> reporter: lee and his boy play on aeamled thecones. >> whe yous h t play,ou put con a eye pilons and you skate around th's why we'reledhe esth p skate around me. >> reporr:eam names unif are almost a impnt as puck handling and skang skills. from hos. jaromirja. eporr: tth subelay on wor. asteradit meahate're the master of bders beingur ste blades. >> reporr: let's just s i was hap when i foundhi team. >>re t ypuie ople would looknd see the p
i aoorn th ls crowde to 2,he ier pyou o f hoey idgyules tt are a bit differt omhehl ca can i check? >> no, there is no ecki r: is a former playe caan ilog >>but s you n y. >>eporter: oh, it went in! fight? >> nfort. and no an n goaltendin >> repter: why no whatando? >> wt can y do? i tnkougotoust have fun. and enjoy theoutdoorshe el, the vi, nhingetter anoutsid rorr:hehance tla hoey lik they did a kidin the great ouoors drawslars om more tha 40 stas...
Feb 3, 2016
eye 76
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pyou maybe hearing some gunfire pnear the port of tampa right pnow. pit's only a drill. pactive shooter emergency. pand fox 13's alcides segui is pthere live. psadly it something we have to pthing p>> it is because it is happening pmore and more often. pnot only here in the u.s. but preally across the globe you peither have one person or pseveral people going into pbuildings trying to kill as many eople as they can. pand we have seen it throughout pthe years. pjust what a month ago, months pand a half ago in san bernardino pwhere several people lost their plives and several more were phurt. pso yeah we're at the port this pform actually distorted about p7:30 this morning. pit is a full house, completely psold out. pand it's put together by port of ptampa. ptpd and several other downtown pagency tampa agency that around art of it. pand they are just trying to praise awareness of what you pshould do if someone comes into pa building and tries to harm you por your friends or your staff pmembers. pwhether you're at work whether pyou're a church, whether you're pat school. padministrators here as well. ptrying to fi
pyou maybe hearing some gunfire pnear the port of tampa right pnow. pit's only a drill. pactive shooter emergency. pand fox 13's alcides segui is pthere live. psadly it something we have to pthing p>> it is because it is happening pmore and more often. pnot only here in the u.s. but preally across the globe you peither have one person or pseveral people going into pbuildings trying to kill as many eople as they can. pand we have seen it throughout pthe years. pjust what a month ago,...
Feb 14, 2016
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. > >> s,plu thatld wiep rcaublin ba deate lst t.nigh ou>> y a areri plencip -- a lir. >> n whe pyou tointiso h own orreced, h smscrea liar, liar, arli. > i > inthwek e'rix fginto lo se th ele tiec onto hlliryali cnton if we don't stop isth. >>salero, bsanie rsnde gets a ta ofste t whahe ay m faces a he t rieso t winfr a-aicancmerian voters. >>_vi' ve sidala b 5ck0 metills, a ri ght. th tat's51he tist me. > an> cll hiaryin cl wtonyin b ngmakis thi ciampagn a ef rduerenm on anss,derot n h elersf? i jo ninghime tsun sydaor m ning en gw , ifils,chrin rourfonier andka enthle keparr,ol cniumst fort "he washington post." welcome to suy.nda sit' "meet the press." > >> fromnbcne nws i wagtshinon, th sis i et"mee thpr esswi th ckchu dtod". >> o> gunod sday mog.rnin hittasn' hnappeedin sce 1968. a vcyacantt baleon thepr sueme co aturt is thge sta ofan el onectiea yr. weea lrned latete yesrdayth of e ensudd and tcragith deaof su e premtcourti jusntce aonin ca s.lia nan iletell ctuaandon catservive th htoug erlead a,n maes prntide maobat lasg niht cedall one of mtheostse contiquenalge jud s nd a
. > >> s,plu thatld wiep rcaublin ba deate lst t.nigh ou>> y a areri plencip -- a lir. >> n whe pyou tointiso h own orreced, h smscrea liar, liar, arli. > i > inthwek e'rix fginto lo se th ele tiec onto hlliryali cnton if we don't stop isth. >>salero, bsanie rsnde gets a ta ofste t whahe ay m faces a he t rieso t winfr a-aicancmerian voters. >>_vi' ve sidala b 5ck0 metills, a ri ght. th tat's51he tist me. > an> cll hiaryin cl wtonyin b ngmakis thi...
Feb 4, 2016
eye 77
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pand fox 13's shayla reeves is plive for us outside the county's phealth department with more on pthis, good morning, shayla. p>> reporter: hi, good morning to pyou. pof course, again, with more rain pon the way and that added in pconditions, we already have here pin florida, that could make for pan easy breeding ground when you ptalk about mosquitos. pso in this particular case, pthere's information that health pexperts want to make sure you pknow especially to make sure pthat you can prevent the spread pof the zika virus. pso some of the easy things of pcourse include making sure you pdon't have any standing water paround your home. pthat can be an easy place for pmosquitos to breed. pin addition to that you want to pmake sure you use screens on pyour window and doors. pair conditioning when you can, palso, try to repair any holes in pyour home. pavoid a mosquito bites. pwear long sleeves and pants. pwhen it comes to children, cover pup their arms and their legs. pif you're going to have your pchildren out, either in a pcarriage or stroller or some pcases in a crib, you can pconsider using things like pmosquito netting according to a pcdc to ke
pand fox 13's shayla reeves is plive for us outside the county's phealth department with more on pthis, good morning, shayla. p>> reporter: hi, good morning to pyou. pof course, again, with more rain pon the way and that added in pconditions, we already have here pin florida, that could make for pan easy breeding ground when you ptalk about mosquitos. pso in this particular case, pthere's information that health pexperts want to make sure you pknow especially to make sure pthat you can...
Feb 3, 2016
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pyou know, i was in new york pcity. pi was sleeping couch to couch. p>> reporter: the 33-year-old pwas just featured in cleveland pmagazine, one of 2016's most pinteresting people. p>> tomorrow, right, you stop pdoing music. pand you look back on your life pand you had an opportunity to pleave your mark. pwhat would that mark look like? p>> that i've carried, you know, pthe torch gracefully, you know. pi've put nothing -- i've tried pto put nothing but good into the pworld. pi think i've been that prime pexample that you can make it p>> reporter: tia union ewing, pcleveland 19. p>> romona: i like it. phe respects woman. p>> mark: great cars in there. p>> romona: you would notice the pcars. pstally just left cleveland. phis latest album is on itunes. p>> mark: his daughter is padorable. p>> romona: a sweetheart. p>>> we have a homeowner's story pcoming up. p>>> the real football wives. p>> we're privileged in what our phusbands do and, you know, we do pget some perks from that. pbut we have pretty normal lives. p>> romona: they're married, pmark. pthe women behind some of the p. pheld a hearing on the flint pwater crisis. pmany are upset key players were
pyou know, i was in new york pcity. pi was sleeping couch to couch. p>> reporter: the 33-year-old pwas just featured in cleveland pmagazine, one of 2016's most pinteresting people. p>> tomorrow, right, you stop pdoing music. pand you look back on your life pand you had an opportunity to pleave your mark. pwhat would that mark look like? p>> that i've carried, you know, pthe torch gracefully, you know. pi've put nothing -- i've tried pto put nothing but good into the pworld. pi...
Feb 1, 2016
eye 94
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pyou can also follow his updates pon twitter at www.fox13news.com. phillsborough county. ptwo teenager being held for pgrand theft auto escaped from a pjuvenile detention center. pfox 13's shayla reeves has pfollowing this investigation p>> reporter: if you've seen pthese teens or know how to find pdeputies want to hear from you. ptake a good look at your screen. pright now crime stopper is pinformation about this a pair. p18-year-old anthony bay and p17-year-old anthony cook. pauthorities say the two escaped pthrough a hole cut into chain plink fence at the state youth presidential facility off pcolumbus drive. pnow we learned a private dme pruns the falkenberg xaemd for pdepartment of juvenile justs an pinvestigation under way to find pout exactly how or why this pescape happened. paccording to a hillsborough pcounty sheriff's office, bays pand cook disappeared during precreation time in an outside pfenced yard. pwe're told the facility staff pmember noticed other teens plooking at a fence, they headed pover checked out fence pdiscovered that hole cut into pthe fence. pthey did a head count, and a psearch and they learned that pboth bays and cook were missing. pnow at
pyou can also follow his updates pon twitter at www.fox13news.com. phillsborough county. ptwo teenager being held for pgrand theft auto escaped from a pjuvenile detention center. pfox 13's shayla reeves has pfollowing this investigation p>> reporter: if you've seen pthese teens or know how to find pdeputies want to hear from you. ptake a good look at your screen. pright now crime stopper is pinformation about this a pair. p18-year-old anthony bay and p17-year-old anthony cook....
Feb 19, 2016
eye 59
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s linda phurtado. pit a time to rev up your engine pand get ready for a fast paced pweekend. eople from across the country pare in florida for the daytona p500. pyou can catch it right here on pfox 13. pour jen epstein caught up with a pchef who has good ideas if you lan on throwing a party. pwe are getting you geared up for pdaytona 500 this weekend on fox p13. pi know not everyone can make it pto this beautiful grand stand pthat daytona 500 international pspeedway. pbut what you can do is celebrate pthe daytona day from home and a pget the party started celebrity pchef tim love. pyou have got great ideas for the pweekend. pabsolutely. pi mean, when you think about pdaytona 500 great american race, pwhy not celebrate it like you pwould any other great american pholiday. pand to do that you've got to the phave great food and drink pobviously. pi've created 15 recipes pavailable on all res recipes.com pgo check it outset yourself up pfor success at your own home and phave great daytona today. pyou're professional. pare these recipes i could cook. pabsolutely. peven you could cook them i know pyou had ad conversation before pyou're not a great cook.
s linda phurtado. pit a time to rev up your engine pand get ready for a fast paced pweekend. eople from across the country pare in florida for the daytona p500. pyou can catch it right here on pfox 13. pour jen epstein caught up with a pchef who has good ideas if you lan on throwing a party. pwe are getting you geared up for pdaytona 500 this weekend on fox p13. pi know not everyone can make it pto this beautiful grand stand pthat daytona 500 international pspeedway. pbut what you can do is...