s. sarah gardner and the digital era of citizen journalist today shared video has forever changed the perspective and reaction to police violence in these united states of america recently in baltimore citizens there will once again treated to another viral video of one of their local police officers twenty five year old arthur williams violently attacking a man he was interacting with during the course of his daily duties many credit the officers resignation with the swift move to prosecute him to the cell phone footage of the encounter going viral here to discuss with us police violence in the age of viral video is author a teacher and baltimore's own they walk in it's day so i want to ask is this the start of you know how. so how in your opinion is has viral video sharing a video the way we do to. change the official reaction to accusations of police brutality i think this is an important time. to make a really really strong distinction between what works and what doesn't work so you know if i was going to hop on my twitter account. and give like a long dissertation and study on you know why t