the first one is from s.f. mta, a proposal for an 18 month campaign, $50,000, to target and encouraged outreach efforts on education throughout the city that were identified in the safety task force. the second program is the conversion project, focusing on high conversion areas, proceeding to convert 12 crosswalks at 12 on controlled intersections. we call them piano keys or continental crosswalks. then there are 21 intersections that will be receiving similar conversions. the final project that we received this from the enhancement of the green light of day trail, to put out section tracks with parallel parking lots on both parts of third street down to mariposa street and enhancing the bike lane from mariposa on conflict areas. so, we reviewed the project using the screening criteria on page 25 of for a packet. this included eligibility of all of these projects for the program. the screening of the prioritization criteria that we focused on readily was that of the funds, the only available, there was nothing els