s.k. telecom versus time one gaming church one of my favorite team plays today plus it's my winter vacation and i really couldn't wait to get here with my friends i think i spend around one hundred dollars a month on each sport tickets and fan merchandise. twenty two year old east sun york or faker is considered the greatest player of all time experts estimate his yearly income to be three to four million dollars making him the highest paid athlete in south korea teammate kim to mean explains the effort involved oh i. usually spend around twelve hours training i started my career when i was very young and other than that it's important to have a strong mindset and willingness to succeed as an eastport player game developer riot games plans to invest one hundred million dollars over the next decade. among the younger generation and career each sport is as popular as traditional sports such as football or baseball. even for a regular league match our stadium was filled to the very last seat the korean e-sports in the street also has its eye on the burgeoning mobile gaming market thanks to sta