digital products of the way suppliers like s.k.f. marine intend to stay ahead of the competition even if they do still want to keep turning out time on a product like the seals. now let's bring in linda hong in singapore linda we heard that in the report that worldwide ship orders i decline in why's that. well there many are factors to this i want this is the most current one which is the global trade war about remember that early on before that the ship of this was just emerging from a very bad time quite a while ago in twenty fourteen twenty fifteen if you remember you see the genetically going bankrupt so this is a see some of this trade war couple with a trade war this would actually make a ship owners more cautious about what will happen especially with the uncertainty that we're seeing so far but how is this decline affecting asian manufacturers right now. well some of them occasionally been still struggling because we've actually seen you know profits just starting to go up in germany and then now with what is happening worldwide esp