horrified that alamo heights high school students chanted "usa, usa" after their school defeeted saa antonio eddsonn a bassetball game. let e phhckk yys, san antonio is still in the usa.. you rralize that if studenns had chanted the name of anyyooherrcountry that school officials woold have praised it as cultural pride.lisa curtin,,principal of the soule road school in wilbraham, massachhsetts reeamed st. patrick's day "o'green day" onny weeks after she renamed valentine's daa "caring and kindness day.. lexington, kentucky's human rights commission is investigaaing "hands on ooiginals" t-shirt compaay because its owners declined on religious grounds a reeuust too print t-shirts for the city'' gay and esbian services organization.and officials at pilgrim high school in over a student's mural depicting the life of man from young boy to husband. thee pmage f a traditional hettrosexuaa couple with a child was deemed offensiie. &ppolittcal correctness ann multtculturalism are an ugly demand that evvryoon accept favooed organizatioos and groupp, wwile simultaneously &pdemonizinggoohers. it's a cancer wee