the beaten sabina gaziyeva succeeded to untangle the ropes, the woman looked into the steam room, saw bloody vladimir and was frightened by one sheet. she ran out into the street, she climbed over the fence and began to call the neighbors for help, they were alarmed and called the police. meanwhile, a few kilometers from the village of anosino , police officers noticed that a strange minibus had driven towards the city, the numbers of which were covered with film. it seemed suspicious over the loudspeaker demanded to stop. driver disobeyed started chase. armavir 2642 citroën car the driver of the citroën pro car we accept the situation we do. fire while people catch up, the intruder immediately failed. but the minibus was soon found, we received a message that at the address of the village of anokhino e, robbers climbed into the house along the way. we spotted this car. his front numbers were covered with a white package, they began to pursue this car, and the driver did not respond to our demands to stop repeatedly, he tried to provoke. in the end, he turned into this lane. here he s