i'm sabrina el ahl. the future of growth is one of the issues on the agenda at this year's deutsche welle global media forum in bonn. it is one of our topics today, and this is what else is coming up on the show. start-up aid for ramallah -- how a palestinian and an israeli work together to support i.t. companies. development aid put to the test how scientists measure and evaluate its effectiveness. and solar potential -- how brazil is planning to increase its use of solar energy. and talking about potential -- indonesia has many waterways. so, hydro power would seem to be the perfect way to supply remote areas with electricity. at this point, only three quarters of indonesians have a power connection at all. we met a woman who is on a mission to change that. agricultural engineer tri mumpuni is raising money to build small water power stations around the country. >> the butterfly has given us an example that life has its cycles. the cycle of a butterfly is not very long. so, i can imagine, if people hav