let's go in focus with steve forbes, rich carl guard elizabeth mcdonald, sabrina schaeffer, john tamny and bruce jackson. steve, when the other side is happy in a negotiation does that usually mean you've lost? >> absolutely. as churchill said about knew nick this is an unmitigated disaster, will set the stage for a nuclear holocaust in the middle east egypt, saudi arabia and turkey have indicated they're going to go with their own nuclear programs. it's very simple either you have a nuclear program or you don't. the iranians have trk they're going to continue with it. one detail we know, not one nuclear facility has to be closed down and they can enrich uranium until their heart is content. this is bad all around. >> bruce i know the old phrase trust and verify that was a reagan phrase when dealing with the soviets, look at what past inspectors have said about their attempts to get iranians to open up their doors. we're still not in a position to conclude that all nuclear material in iran is in a peaceful purpose another one, nuclear material declared by iran was not being diverted fo