let's go with steve forbes, sabrina schafer, bruce jabson. steve, is this report on the right track? >> david, it's fine to do more coordination. you can usually do that with an e-mail or a phone call and tell the bureaucrats to get off their duffs and work together. if they're curious about not funding terrorists, cut iran off from the world banking system, do the same with individual banks in pakistan and elsewhere and cut off various individuals we know who are bad guys. they're basic steps, but iran is the big one. if they're not doing that, they're not serious. >> in addition to iran, i think steve is absolutely right, but in addition to that, they're still getting a lot of money from oil, about $500 million a year. we have had attacks on these oil supplies, but not enough, and there are also a lot of people in the region that are funneling money to them, right, some of our supposed allies? >> i think every administration going back to at least the first george bush administration knows but doesn't really talk about the fact that saudi a