single line in this list, not for me, not for the child, but there was a whole page for that slob saburoving, but of course it would have been very nice if it weren't so funny, listen, saburov arranged an important business meeting for me and it brought amazing results, in short, in half an hour i'll be at the airport, i can't wait to tell you everything, i also have information for you, only not such a joyful one, so don't itch, come faster, i'm waiting, i'm responsible for my people, there's nothing suspicious in vlisin's auto repair shop, let's say the staff was shaken up, so shaken up that it ended up in the criminal news. they had never heard anything about any documents, they have a computer in the lobby, any of the clients can sit on the internet while their car is being repaired, and of course there are no cameras, so why did you arrange this masked show then, yes i was sure, and i am sure that we don't need any extra noise, especially these criminal news, you don't have to worry about that, we'll make it look like a showdown competitors, the kidnapped were injected with a dose, t