the second program i wanted to mention is the journey of sacajawea. this program looks at the woman who is behind the icon, and shows how cultures and events that have shaped her. the special goes beyond the sparse comments found an expedition journals and goes into the rich oral history of the laney shawnee, and others. it includes dramatic reenactments and seeds of wild areas of montana, north dakota, wyoming, and oregon, that the youthful sacajawea new. the last program is "gallery, the national museum of native americans." this charts the unveiling of the first smithsonian museum exclusively devoted to american indians. the grand unveiling on the national mall coincided with a six-day outdoor first american festival and native nations festival and the colorful opening day ceremony that is captured in the film began with a native nation's recession, which was the largest gathering of native people in modern history. both gallery and a journey of sacajawea will be airing on sunday, november 20. i know we want to get to our heroes, and i want to cong