like dean, our office is a huge supporter of sacc. we're proud of this organization and what makes them so unique is not only can you adopt cats and dogs, but you can adopt birds, reptiles, rabbits, guinea pigs and any other dough mess ~ domesticated animal you can imagine. [speaker not understood]. she helped us spread the word and it's about the great work of acc. so, i do want to thank jane tobin and lisa [speaker not understood], co-presidents of friend of acc. they've been wonderful partners with the department. and mayor, welcome as our acting director of acc. so, in closing i just wanted to extend to mayor freda and dean a special invitation. we actually have a party in our office every december, it's our second annual holidays with kitens and we host our if ~ furry animals from acc. we'd like freda to join us if she'd like to. with that thank you for all of your work and your contribution to our wonderful organization. ~ >> i know how to get her to bark. anybody want to applaud? (applause) >> that's about as close to a bark as