rally the liberal network not the idea that they were innocent because most historians think that sacco definitely wasn't, but around the idea that they hadn't had a fair trial, the judge was prejudice and made comments about the case while the trial was going on saying that he was going to make sure that those two italian were hung. he enlisted lippmann who was an editor which made the world quite liberal really the national voice for a new trial for sacco and manzeti, they went to holmes and they even enlisted someone who wasn't so liberal but associated with the house gutzon borglum. in 1928 they backed the first catholic major party candidate for president al smith and even though smith lost they remained engaged in electoral politics and were really able to shape the supreme court even with herbert hoover in the white house. they -- both organized labors and the ncaap protested hoover's second nominee and successfully blocked the nom face to the supreme court and when justice holmes retired in -- in 1931, they were really able to lobby lots of people in the hoover administration an