host: sacha haworth of the tech oversight project. once it comes into our space, we can do what we want to fit. u.s. officials are worried that if it's shot down over land, it can be a problem, and the president said it is a gigantic what happened. it happened in a rural area, and it came down to be shot down. they made a wise decision to shoot it down over water. they recovered both of the parts, they are good. that was a recent interview. you can see the photos already. we've shown you some of that with the down balloon itself. also, the reclamation efforts with that. it was on a hearing featuring defense officials talking about the response and hearing from legislators about the concerns they had. one of the legislators questioned the defense official over strategies to deal with potential incursions -- incursions. here is a portion. >> this was a robust budget last cycle. i don't remember hearing about anything that dealt with balloons in the budget. do we have a plan on how we are going to deal with this the next time it happens?