this is sacred heart community services agency, there is a web address for more information. we'll be back and delve more into this topic when we come visit this. [music] community services agency. so, now that we see the problem, so it's housing, it's employment, are there solutions? or now that you have your research, is that something we can take to washington, or to the stakeholders here, the big corporations and say, "here's a problem, how can we collaboratively fix it?" rachel: absolutely. so we do--a lot of our policy work is right here, it's local because all politics is local. so, we work a lot with the county supervisors in the city of san jose. but absolutely, and even to keep the funds that we're getting from the federal government, we are a part of a wider coalition of community action agencies that advocates for that program and why it's so important. so yeah, so our next step, i just mentioned we passed measure a, which funds affordable housing, but now we have to places to build it. and that's a lot harder because there are a lot of people who don't want a newe