all right, i'd like to welcome sad maz shah, executive director center for islamic law and human rights out of karachi to the program. thanks so much for joining us. now, west bank protesters demonstrating saying they are not afraid and the genocide regime must go. and i want to talk about the significance of. them turning out in mass um because of course the israeli regime continues uh to crack down on the palestinans in the west bank but it just seems that they've had enough and it doesn't even matter anymore but they have uh been protesting in mass too your thoughts say it was yes uh thank you so much for having me um and and your mentioning of the west bank interestingly uh as you know at the start of this uh aggression the latest on gaza uh immediately uh the west bank was not left alone uh we've seen the settler violence that's continued on we've seen uh the military uh the israeli military support these settlers and doing horrendous things and occupying um villages, occupying lands and mistreating palestinians a more higher level than before. in fact, there was a report about alm