, after the sada abad conference that happened and caused us to voluntarily pay the additional protocol. let's face it, my belief was and still is . i don't believe that those who are members of the mpt should negotiate with each other about what they should do about the enrichment situation, just like opec, and i have always wished that when they say let's negotiate, we should say that when you have a hat, when you have this atomic bomb, i don't know what i want to negotiate with you. over there , you are here. read and tell me that if i have any responsibility, i will really say that i will not negotiate with you because you are not on the same level as us, and we are not in balance with now. that. don't sit behind this, that means you have bombs, i don't have them. i remember mr. al-baradei asking him exactly why we have so much trouble with iran, and he said these things and these things in order to prevent the building of the century. he said this is because iran is a member. why did he say that india, pakistan , the united states, and israel, who are not members , have nothing to