but general dempsey commanded the first armored division that took them from sadam hussain in 2003 and told us the story. five years he was commander of centcom. the whole middle east operation. then he went on to visit a base in afghanistan commanded by captains near the hindu kush. he spent hour with the captain and realized that the captain out there in his little base had access to more intelligence at the national and tactical level and more firepower than he did when he took baghdad from sadam hussain in 2003. therefore he realized how we educate the captain and how we choose the captain has to be very different from the four. one of the first things he did was introduced the idea of giving new recruits in boot camp the iphone. first to get the iphone within three weeks the drill sergeant will tell you download the application and you teach the lesson and i will sit in a front-row. they have completely revolutionized the army education corporation around the idea how do we get everyone to produce their extra two natalee do their job but to be able to invent and reengineer the job