when saddam husein and the baathists came to power they negotiating autonomy provisions. these were merely in name only and never implemented so the kurds rebelled again and many many thousands were killed. in 1980 iran and iraq ended up at war. it was perceived in baghdad that the kurds were supporting iran. it was part of an effort to create a security buffer on the iraq iranian border. as i said earlier almost 200,000 people is the result of that policy. in syria, there was the surely been movement which was a kurdish independence movement. many kurds who fled from turkey when iran was put down and adopt in syria. they are too the kurds suffered as a result of that baptist regime. their identity was denied. there were citizenship laws that were adopted in the kurds were denied citizenship rights. they were not provided identification cards so 300,000 kurds were essentially denied and a privilege of employment or education. they couldn't marry or hold property. they joined with other opposition forces and put forward the damascus declaration 2004 which is really the roo