saddleback church is connected to 25,000 churches around the world. so we're going to get this country healthy. but you can also do it from your business, from your school up, from your family. now is the time to get healthy, not tomorrow, tonight. today is the time to get healthy. so please, call and get these great gifts, we'll teach you how to do it in a fun way that is about abundance, never about deprivation. it's not about 10 pounds, this is not a program to lose 10 pounds in 10 weeks, there's a lot of programs to do that. this is a program to get control of your brain and your body for the rest of your life. >> and not only changing your life but actually those around you. i really love that idea, that it's not just a personal issue but actually it's the ripple effect of what happens around you. while making a contribution to weta is just like that. your pledge is a personal pledge but it's added to the community and we want to say thank you. when you make that pledge of support right now, david has more. >> weta is committed to broadcasting a