sadiqa sudam of sed and sima news agency, according to the announcement of the ministry of oil, more than 130 half-completed projects were completed during the term of office of the martyred president, ayatollah raisi. at the beginning of the 13th government, he said that instead of calling for new plans, this government will implement a movement to complete a half-finished plan . i swear, he said that the exploitation of oil and gas resources will be accelerated in the 13th government, when he went to the 14th part of the dry sector of this field to open the last gas refinery in south pars , the fourteenth phase of south pars, the authority of the country. he gave a special order to the ministry of oil, torches make people sad , use these companies, dear young people, we can control them. 70% of gas flares from oil and gas fields were collected in his government, with the use of plans such as ngl 302, it is confirmed to the country's gas networks. at the same time as trying to increase the country's oil revenues, which doubled, president shahid tried to reduce crude oil sales by inc