the catholic bishops, as this headline saeuz in "the washington post," said the house republican budget authored by mr. ryan fails the moral test. madam president, certainly it does. let's go to the next slide. this plan cuts discretionary spending $1 trillion beyond what the budget control act did. madam president, if you look at priorities, it kind of leaps out at you. health care cut by almost $3 trillion, from $12.7 trillion to $9.9 trillion. and when you go to the question of education, where the united states is already lagging -- in fact, the united states ranks 25th out of 34 oecd countries in math. we're 25th in math. let's go to the next. in science, we're 17th out of 34. so we're 25th out of 34 in math. we're 17th out of 34 in science. and our republican colleagues, the budget from house republicans say cut education by 25%. cut it from $77 billion to $58 billion. that is a 25% cut in education under the house republican plan. madam president, gasoline, we've all seen gasoline prices rising. now we're thankful that they have been easing back in recent days. but nonetheless, o