. -- second, safetyl. in addition we have a park on top of the building. -- second, safety. one good thing about having the park on top of the building is it causes us to reinforce the structure and a very robust way. what you are seeing, which is the heart and core of the structural engineering is very large tresses. each is 4 feet in diameter. this is good to be the safest building in san francisco, and practically any place else i imagine because of the very robust structure. that structure is in clad in a class caglass skin, which we can awning. that has a substructure, and the cglass is applied panel by a panel. i will go into more detail in the future. both of these aspects are really the key to the support and expression of the building. here you see it from the streets. again another view on first street. the transbay transit center tower is on your left. you are looking south on first street. on beale street, which will be an extraordinary view of the building, you will be an entrance, the park above, activities of the buses at the street level and the best bet. --