wasn't coming liberty was becoming none of those things and he became a critic and he developed a very safin. take a good set of ideas even if you like capitalism even if you celebrated it's smart as anybody knows to think of how to read what the critics have to say you learn something yo sharpen your own ability to defend in my own of you as i grew up here in the united states and went to school at some of the best universities in the united states when i encountered marx as writing not a communist manifesto which you quite rightly referred to as a rant because it was a popular pamphlet written in a revolutionary time to inspire people it wasn't the fruit of his long analysis that comes later with capital but he developed a very sophisticated idea of how you could do better than capitalism and it seems to be now if we are mature and confident about the united states we should welcome of debate where we listen to criticisms to see whether in fact they have a point and these days when we have a capitalism that throws millions of people out of work that is throwing millions of people out of th